Restore issues

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Restore issues

Post by pacesetterexhaust »

I specifically use the backup program to backup data from manufacturing software which we store on google drive. We now have some corruption that occurred several days ago. While I can see the backup that I need to access, I cannot access the files within it without error messages. The specific backup I need to access is 624mb.

The reasons as I see it. It is a differential backup with what would have been thousands of copies by now. As a result someone did some house cleaning and removed all but the last months worth of differential copies. so now when I try to do the restore, the program reads the catalog as being wrong and only wants to let me restore the most recent copies which are corrupt. I synced the google drive to my computer and have copies of all of the backups from the last several weeks which have the backed up files that I need. When I go to unzip them or access them I get an error message that says

An unexpected error is keeping you from copying the file. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem

Every program I try to use to unzip it asks for a password which I didn’t set. Ive tried my computer password, my network password, my google password, 7zip, winrar, and several google related apps online. I need a solution to this issue please. I emailed support yesterday with a link to one of the actual google backups on google drive.

Adrian (Softland)
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Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:46 pm

Re: Restore issues

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Please send us a screenshot with the message asking for the password, to understand which one it is.
Email it to support[at]backup4all[dot]com
Did you used a password for the zip file when you ran the backup?

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