Recover deleted job

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Recover deleted job

Post by bberry »

I installed Bacup4all and used for first time 2 days ago. Today, while teaching myself more about the user-interface, I made a copy of my one and only job, the initial job I used for first backup (Thus full backup). After this I intended to delete the copy but instead deleted the original job. Is there some way to recover the job I accidentally deleted. I ask because, best I can tell, all statistics, logs and histories for the original job have been lost and I assume without these, I will need to perform the original backup, all over again. Since that backup (500Gb) took approx. 24 hours, I'd rather not go back through that. If there is a work around, other than restoring the deleted job, I'd appreciate know about that.

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1953
Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:46 pm

Re: Recover deleted job

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


The backup job and the backup files are in destination.
You just need to open in Backup4all the .bkc catalog file from the backup destination. That will recreate the backup job in Backup4all.

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