"Premature end of file reached" when burning DVD

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"Premature end of file reached" when burning DVD

Post by Zot »

When I back up to DVD, everything seems to work well, until the Test phase. On some spot on the disk the test stays for a very long time (like 10 minutes) generating a lot of "Premature end of file reached" errors in the log file.

Any ideas what this means, and what could cause this?

I've tried switching burning eninge from SPTD to SPTI, but that made no difference. Any other ideas?

I'm running the latest b4a version (4.4 build 213).
Windows Vista Home Premium, fully updated.
The DVD burner is "HL-DT-ST DVD+-RW GSA-H31N B110" (built in).

I've considered downgrading to an earlier b4a version (my last DVD backup was done with build 207, and that worked like a charm), but I'd like to hear you have any other ideas first.

Best regards to you all,


Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1958
Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:46 pm

Re: "Premature end of file reached" when burning DVD

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Please delete the temporary folder and open Backup4all.
Press the Test button to run a manual test for that backup.
Let us know the results.
Do you know you can monitor your backups remotely with Backup4all Monitor? You can read more here: https://www.backup4all.com/backup4all-monitor.html

Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Jul 12, 2010 8:48 pm

Re: "Premature end of file reached" when burning DVD

Post by Zot »

I assume that by "the temporary folder" you mean the folder found under Options/Application folders (the last in the list). I have not overridden that folder, so it is set to %TEMP%, which expands to C:\Users\Zot\AppData\Local\Temp for me. I cleared that folder as much as possible (a subfolder "Low" could not be removed even with admin right, so I left it), then run the test.

The test hang for a long time (aprox 10 minutes) a bit into the third DVD, at he same spot as it did in the test phase of the backup run, I believe (at 93%). The log follows.

Thank you for helping me with this.

Best regards

Code: Select all

[2010-07-13 21:14:57] Backup4all Professional Edition 4.4.213
[2010-07-13 21:14:57] Starting test on "dvdE" for backup number 9, the last backup number at 2010-07-13 21:14:57
[2010-07-13 21:22:14] Waiting for user input
Performing backup test.
File "G:\dvdE\dvdE.9_C002.zip" not found.
Please insert the disk labeled "E9_2" and Retry.
[2010-07-13 21:41:42] Continuing
[2010-07-13 21:55:17] Waiting for user input
Performing backup test.
File "G:\dvdE\dvdE.9_C003.zip" not found.
Please insert the disk labeled "E9_3" and Retry.
[2010-07-13 22:01:33] Continuing
[2010-07-13 22:02:48] Error: Premature end of file reached
[2010-07-13 22:03:07] Error: Premature end of file reached
[2010-07-13 22:03:23] Error: Premature end of file reached
[2010-07-13 22:03:41] Error: Premature end of file reached
[2010-07-13 22:03:57] Error: Premature end of file reached
[2010-07-13 22:04:13] Error: Premature end of file reached
[2010-07-13 22:04:33] Error: Premature end of file reached
[2010-07-13 22:04:49] Error: Premature end of file reached
[2010-07-13 22:05:04] Error: Premature end of file reached
[2010-07-13 22:05:30] Error: Premature end of file reached
[2010-07-13 22:05:46] Error: Premature end of file reached
[2010-07-13 22:06:09] Error: Premature end of file reached
[2010-07-13 22:06:25] Error: Premature end of file reached
[2010-07-13 22:06:41] Error: Premature end of file reached
[2010-07-13 22:06:57] Error: Premature end of file reached
[2010-07-13 22:07:12] Error: Premature end of file reached
[2010-07-13 22:07:28] Error: Premature end of file reached
[2010-07-13 22:07:43] Error: Premature end of file reached
[2010-07-13 22:08:00] Error: Premature end of file reached
[2010-07-13 22:08:16] Error: Premature end of file reached
[2010-07-13 22:08:32] Error: Premature end of file reached
[2010-07-13 22:08:48] Error: Premature end of file reached
[2010-07-13 22:09:09] Error: Premature end of file reached
[2010-07-13 22:09:25] Error: Premature end of file reached
[2010-07-13 22:09:41] Error: Premature end of file reached
[2010-07-13 22:09:56] Error: Premature end of file reached
[2010-07-13 22:10:12] Error: Premature end of file reached
[2010-07-13 22:10:27] Error: Premature end of file reached
[2010-07-13 22:10:43] Error: Premature end of file reached
[2010-07-13 22:10:59] Error: Premature end of file reached
[2010-07-13 22:11:14] Error: Premature end of file reached
[2010-07-13 22:11:29] Error: Premature end of file reached
[2010-07-13 22:11:44] Error: Premature end of file reached
[2010-07-13 22:12:00] Error: Premature end of file reached
[2010-07-13 22:12:15] Error: Premature end of file reached
   Test finished at 2010-07-13 22:13:33, 6526 file(s) and 104 folder(s) tested, 35 error(s) and 0 warning(s) found

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1958
Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:46 pm

Re: "Premature end of file reached" when burning DVD

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


It seems the zip file was created with errors. A possible reason is the disc you used.
You need to re-run that backup.
Do you know you can monitor your backups remotely with Backup4all Monitor? You can read more here: https://www.backup4all.com/backup4all-monitor.html

Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Jul 12, 2010 8:48 pm

Re: "Premature end of file reached" when burning DVD

Post by Zot »

OK, how do I do to "re-run that backup"?

If I just start a new Incremental backup run, the files on the failed backup will not be saved again, since they already are in the catalog.

I tried to remove the last backup run from the catalog using Clean.... but it does not work. (I am asked to confirm that I really want to remove the backup, then Deleting "" is displayed for a short time in the status, but the last backup still remains in the catalog.)

Please help me further.

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1958
Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:46 pm

Re: "Premature end of file reached" when burning DVD

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Please send us the backup catalog from View->Open folder->Catalog Folder.
Put the file into a zip archive.
Send it to support[at]backup4all[dot]com
Do you know you can monitor your backups remotely with Backup4all Monitor? You can read more here: https://www.backup4all.com/backup4all-monitor.html

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1958
Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:46 pm

Re: "Premature end of file reached" when burning DVD

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


We removed the last backup execution from the catalog using the "Clean" operation from Actions menu.
We selected the latest backup version and pressed "Clean".
That fixed the problem and you can run again that backup.

The new catalog was sent by email to our client.
Do you know you can monitor your backups remotely with Backup4all Monitor? You can read more here: https://www.backup4all.com/backup4all-monitor.html

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