Can't change job's account/credentials

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Can't change job's account/credentials

Post by CraigD »

I have just downloaded Backup4all and have configured a job. I have run it a few times and am ready to commit to a trial. I initially setup the job with existing account credentials, and now I have created a dedicated service account and want to change the job scheduler to use that new account. The job won't save my changes! Any idea what's up with that? It also deletes my schedule when I try this.

More details:

When I edit the job (Properties) and click Scheduler I click the schedule from the list and click Edit. I update the account credentials and click Save. The schedule is now gone -- it is no longer shown on the Scheduler screen. I *think* the schedule is still active, though.

Very strange and disconcerting. Not a high degree of confidence in the program thus far.

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Can't change job's account/credentials

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


If you configure a scheduled task to run under another user account, that task no longer appears in Backup Properties while you are logged on with your current user.
Only the scheduled tasks configured to run under the current user will be shown.

If you want to see all scheduled tasks for Backup4all, please go to Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Task Scheduler, see under Softland -> Backup4all 9 folder.
Do you know you can monitor your backups remotely with Backup4all Monitor? You can read more here:

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