Backup running even if it isn't

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Backup running even if it isn't

Post by mconca »

I run B4A on windows server 2003 r2 sp2 standard (x86).
My tray icon always says that a job is running, even if it isn't.
The icon displays the "Play" symbol and says that one job is running.

Opening B4A interface does not show any job running. History and scheduler are clean.
I've tried clicking tray options "Stop all running" and "Cancel all running" but it didn't do anything.
I've tried rebooting and it solved the problem, but it has shown up again after a while.

It wouldn't be a big problem, but I can't update B4A because of it (it says that there are jobs running), and I would like to know if B4A is actually doing something or not.
I also have to open B4A everytime to know if it is really doing something.
Thank you for your help

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Backup running even if it isn't

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Please make sure the bbackup.exe process is not running in Task Manager.
You can also kill the btray.exe and bservice.exe processes and start the update.

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Re: Backup running even if it isn't

Post by mconca »

Hi, thanks for reply.
I've now got these processes active in task manager:

Probably the problem is caused by bTagBackup.exe. I don't know why it stays open even after it has completed the backup job.
May it be related to the fact that backup ends with warnings?

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Backup running even if it isn't

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


What kind of warnings?
Can you send us the last backup log with warnings at support[at]backup4all[dot]com?

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Re: Backup running even if it isn't

Post by dubej00 »


I have the same problem, bTagBackup.exe sometimes stays open at the end of the job. There is no warning.

Any idea?


Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1941
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Re: Backup running even if it isn't

Post by Adrian (Softland) »

@dubej00: Do you have the last version of Backup4all 6.1.188 installed?

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Re: Backup running even if it isn't

Post by dubej00 »

Yes, build 188.

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1941
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Re: Backup running even if it isn't

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Can you please send us the logs folder to support[at]backup4all[dot]com to see what the problem is?

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Re: Backup running even if it isn't

Post by dubej00 »


It seems to be when the last job of the sequence (mirror job from a NAS to a HDD) last a long time... The problem hasn't occurred recently, I will send you logs when it will so.


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