Wishlist: Mirror with versions of a file

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Wishlist: Mirror with versions of a file

Post by Visard »

I have many files on my local harddrive, plus some of them and older files on a external USB-drive, plus new and older files on a NAS... I now want to archive the files to a big (4TB) USB-drive. I have tested "mirror" backup to the big drive from the 3 sources - and it works just fine - except the last drive with a file is the only one stored and I gets a warning for the CRC in testing phase !

I wish for a checkbox in the mirror bakup property to save the file versions if the CRC is different only, something simple like windows does, adding to the file name like +"copy1", +"copy2" ...
But if the file exist on the dest. with the same CRC do nothing or as it does today overwrite the file.

As it is now the order is due to drive letter and path of the source (in my case the NAS's files overwrite if dublettes)...
I don't trust just the filename and size, IMO experince, to decide if it's a dublette - but the CRC should be OK.

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Wishlist: Mirror with versions of a file

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Backup4all is also using the CRC in the comparison criteria.
You can see that in Backup Properties->Advanced.

As I can understand from your post, there is a problem with the backup.
Please send us the last backup log and the backup catalog from the backup destination to support[at]backup4all[dot]com

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Joined: Sat Jul 05, 2014 1:07 pm

Re: Wishlist: Mirror with versions of a file

Post by Visard »

I think you did not understand what I meant - I'll try to explain again.

I have 3 folders on different drives with one file each, for example like this:
D:\Myfiles\fileOne.jpg 25KB 2012-06-01
P:\Myfiles\fileOne.jpg 33KB 2014-07-01
X:\Myfiles\fileOne.jpg 25KB 2013-02-28

All folders is included in one mirror-backup called "Myfiles" "to "W:\", the end result will be:
W:\Myfiles\fileOne.jpg 25KB 2013-02-28

Now we reach the testing phase, first the program will compare this in order:
W:\Myfiles\fileOne.jpg 25KB 2013-02-28 vs. D:\Myfiles\fileOne.jpg 25KB 2012-06-01 => Warning CRC
W:\Myfiles\fileOne.jpg 25KB 2013-02-28 vs. P:\Myfiles\fileOne.jpg 33KB 2014-07-01 => Warning CRC
W:\Myfiles\fileOne.jpg 25KB 2013-02-28 vs. X:\Myfiles\fileOne.jpg 25KB 2013-02-28 => OK CRC

The end result I wish for - should look like this:
W:\Myfiles\fileOne.jpg 25KB 2012-06-01
W:\Myfiles\fileOne_copy1.jpg 33KB 2014-07-01
W:\Myfiles\fileOne_copy2.jpg 25KB 2013-02-28

I have now made it very simple with one file abow - but hope you get the idea - many files may not have the same name...

PS / Edit:
I have now send you the log-file.

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