Wishlist: Default Tag in email subject

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Joined: Mon Jun 02, 2014 6:48 pm

Wishlist: Default Tag in email subject

Post by Alexandro »

Dear Support Team,

Would be very helpful if the email subject sent after a backup job had "[Backup4all]" tag. No tag makes it harder to filter the email and send it to the correct folder.


Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Wishlist: Default Tag in email subject

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


In the Backup4all installation folder, you can edit the email templates (for example: SuccessFullMail.txt).
The first line of the file contains the email subject. <!"<#BACKUP_NAME>" executed successfully!>
You can add "Backup4all" word there.

After that, don't forget to open Backup Properties->Email and select the template you edit to be used.

Posts: 5
Joined: Mon Jun 02, 2014 6:48 pm

Re: Wishlist: Default Tag in email subject

Post by Alexandro »

Thank you! It would be interesting to become that standard, without all the trouble of editing.

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