Restore latest version - but not if already restored

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Restore latest version - but not if already restored

Post by Glenlb »

I purchased a new PC and I am copying all my files to the new PC from the old PC by using Backup4All.
I started this previously and restored files on the new PC, but now I did a more recent backup of the old PC and I am restoring it to the new PC.
Backup4All Restore asked if I wanted to overwrite a file with the latest version. The answer is yes, but only if the B4A version is later than what is already on the PC. B4A gives no option to avoid the restore of the file unless the B4A version is newer.
I have found no explanation of the logic that is used. Is this logic already in place?
The latest restore seems to be running pretty fast (under 2 hours using a USB 3.0 port) so I am guessing B4A is skipping files that are unchanged.
The total size of the backed up data is over 250 GB. I am using Windows 8.1 on both PC's.

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Restore latest version - but not if already restored

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


At this moment, Backup4all does not compare the files to be restored with the existing files in restore location. It only detects if there are files with the same name and user can overwrite or skip them.
We created a ticket to add such an option to overwrite only older files.

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