BKC file size

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BKC file size

Post by ganix »


I use Backup4All to make daily FTP backups of my data. My problem is that .bkc file size is growing, and growing, and growing... Right now it's 25 MB!

My suggestion is to use a compressed version of .bkc file, at least when doing FTP backups. You could decompress in a temporary folder, use and update and compress again before uploading to FTP server.

Keep on improving bacause yours is a great product.

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1941
Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:46 pm

Re: BKC file size

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


We will think about your suggestion. We added it to our Wishlist.
Do you know you can monitor your backups remotely with Backup4all Monitor? You can read more here: https://www.backup4all.com/backup4all-monitor.html

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