Warning: Size of file <file> in destination (1067452650) is different than the size stored in catalog (773047413)

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Warning: Size of file <file> in destination (1067452650) is different than the size stored in catalog (773047413)

Post by chut7 »

Warning: Size of file <file> in destination (1067452650) is different than the size stored in catalog (773047413)

Occasionally, I'll get this warning. The file size in the source is 773047413. When I extract the file from the destination, the file size is the same. In other words, I can find no file with the incorrect (1067452650) size.

What causes this warning in the first place? It's a bit of a pain for me to go through these messages, when there seems to be nothing wrong.

Adrian (Softland)
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Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:46 pm

Re: Warning: Size of file <file> in destination (1067452650) is different than the size stored in catalog (773047413)

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


It is possible that the file was in use at the backup time and it was modified during the backup.
The size stored in catalog at the beginning of the backup (when the source files are identified) could be different than the size of the file when it is actually backed up (few seconds of minutes later, if the file is changed).

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