Unable to Backup over LAN - Entire Job Hangs

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Unable to Backup over LAN - Entire Job Hangs

Post by cyberoldie »

I am trying (with the most recent product version) to back-up folders on a LAN based workstation. The product runs well on the server for backups of folders on that machine but hangs on this job.

When attempting to backup a group of folders on the Local LAN based workstation, the job hangs for 14 hours or more (before my intervention) in the ESTIMATING mode. It never gets past the first file in the folder. When I CANCEL the job, the program sits in the ABORTING mode for hours as well. Since the backup job never finishes on its own, there is no log file.

I purchased this program to test in various configurations for my Fortune 500 clients, and for my own use. This failure severely limmits the product's usefulness. Can someone help? Emails to Support are unanswered.

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