There is not enough space on the disk (While splitting zip)

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There is not enough space on the disk (While splitting zip)

Post by sierra »

Error Message during backup:

There is not enough space on the disk (While splitting zip)
Backup aborted after "so many" hour(s)...

So B4A v.8.9 first creates a huge zip on the destination, but also requires at least 50% more space to split it according to the defined parameters.
Remaining space at the time of displaying the error is 33 times more than the split size, so there are obviously monsters in the mechanic.

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1953
Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:46 pm

Re: There is not enough space on the disk (While splitting zip)

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Please follow these steps:
1. Open Backup4all.
2. Go to Backup Properties->Compression.
3. Select "Always use temporary folder to create zip files" option.
4. Set the split size at 2 GB.
5. Select "Create independent splits" option.
6. Press Save.
7. Run again the backup.

If you still have the problem, please send us the complete backup log to support[at]backup4all[dot]com
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