Size of .bkc files GROWING

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Size of .bkc files GROWING

Post by R_Edwards »

We do a daily backup to an FTP site using MIRROR mode. Backup4All maintaines a catalog in .bkc files. These files are growing larger and larger over time (years).

Below is an detaild list of one .bkc file and we have many.

Jan 01 2011 8.1 MB
Dec 01 2011 9.8 MB

Jan 01 2012 10.3 MB
Feb 01 2012 10.8 MB
Mar 02 2012 11.7 MB
Apr 01 2012 12.5 MB
May 01 2012 13.1 MB
Jun 01 2012 14.1 MB
Jul 01 2012 14.6 MB
Aug 01 2012 15.2 MB
Sep 01 2012 15.4 MB
Oct 01 2012 15.5 MB
Nov 01 2012 15.8 MB
Dec 01 2012 16.4 MB

Jan 01 2013 16.9 MB
Feb 01 2013 17.5 MB
Mar 01 2013 18.0 MB

I have studied this and is appears to be a MySQL data file. Why make Backup4All maintain this history on every file ever backed-up when using MIRROR mode. I understand why is would be needed when using any of the standard methods. We need a method to purge some of the history from the catalog.

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Size of .bkc files GROWING

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Keeping a file history is necessarily even in Mirror mode.

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Re: Size of .bkc files GROWING

Post by R_Edwards »

OK. Then is there a way to purge some of the history. Either via a setting in Backup4All or some supporting program?

Thank-You for the replay

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Size of .bkc files GROWING

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


If you use the "Fast mirror" option in Mirror, only new and modified files will be backed up. There could be files older since the first backup execution, so it is important to keep the history.

If you don't use the "Fast mirror" option, all source files will be backed up each time.
In such a case you can use the option "Clean backup" in the before backup section on the Advanced page of Backup Properties.
That will delete the catalog and will start a new one. History will also be deleted.

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Re: Size of .bkc files GROWING

Post by R_Edwards »

I am using "Fast Mirror" option and "Remove excluded or deleted files from backup" option

When I go to the Advanced section, under the "Run action before backup" the only choice I'm given is <Clear Backup>. Is that what you wanted to say? If so the help states that Backup4All will delete the .bkc and all zip files. Since I'm using FTP I don't want to be forced to re-upload 500GB of data.

Thanks for the reply

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1941
Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:46 pm

Re: Size of .bkc files GROWING

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


In this case it is not recommended to clear the backup.
In your example, the backup catalog increased from Mar 2013 to Mar 2013 only 6.3 MB (per year)
I think that is not a reason to worry about.

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