simple mirror backup only new and changed data, but delete deleted data

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Posts: 7
Joined: Mon Jun 07, 2021 5:39 pm

simple mirror backup only new and changed data, but delete deleted data

Post by Blade »

I want only mirror backup new and changed data and if I delete data on my PC, then these deleted data should also be deleted in the backup. But I do not know what setting I have to make so that the data deleted on the PC are also deleted in the backup. I do not want to always make a full backup, because that would take too long.

Can you please tell me what setting I need to make?
Backup4all Professional 9.1.369

thank you.
many greetings

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1944
Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:46 pm

Re: simple mirror backup only new and changed data, but delete deleted data

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Please open Backup Properties->Type page.
Select the "Remove excluded or deleted files from backup" option and press Save.
When you'll run again the backup, if there are new or modified source files, the deleted source files will be also deleted from destination.

Posts: 7
Joined: Mon Jun 07, 2021 5:39 pm

Re: simple mirror backup only new and changed data, but delete deleted data

Post by Blade »

Thank you for your message.
I have made the setting, unfortunately it still does not work.
I created a test file on my PC, then ran the backup. Testfile was backed up after that. Then I deleted the testfile on my PC, ran the backup and then the testfile was still saved in the backup.

Here the logfile after I created the testfile:

[21.07.2021 19:20:59] Backup4all 9.1.369
[21.07.2021 19:20:59] C:\Program Files (x86)\Softland\Backup4all 9\bBackup.exe /GUI {11111111-1111-1111-1111-222222222222} /JOB {4992022D-426A-493A-8FF7-90ACC7703054}
[21.07.2021 19:20:59] Search for "Warning: " and "Error: " to locate warnings and errors in this log file
[21.07.2021 19:20:59] Operating system: Windows 10 Home (Build 19043)
Processor[0] : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz
Processor[1] : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz
Processor[2] : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz
Processor[3] : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz
Processor[4] : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz
Processor[5] : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz
Physical memory (free/total) : 25190 MB/32703 MB
Admin/BkPriv/RePriv : True/True/True
IsWOW64 : True
Locale : Deutsch (Deutschland)
Installed antiviruses:
Windows Defender

[21.07.2021 19:20:59] Opening file "C:\Users\Yves\AppData\Roaming\Softland\Backup4all 9\Backup4all.hst"
[21.07.2021 19:20:59] Starting backup for "Backup_Downloads_Destination_2" at 21.07.2021 19:20:59
[21.07.2021 19:20:59] Backup Summary:
Name: Backup_Downloads_Destination_2
Tags: Destination_2
Ini file: C:\Users\Yves\AppData\Roaming\Softland\Backup4all 9\Jobs\{4992022D-426A-493A-8FF7-90ACC7703054}.ini
Destination type: External hard drive
Drive: Y:
Folder: Y:\
Catalog: Y:\Backup_Downloads_Destination_2.bkc
Lock the destination to this external hard drive: No
Enable disk spanning: No

Include filter:
Include all files.
Exclude filter:
Bash on Ubuntu on Windows
( Folder name = '?:\Users\*\AppData\Local\lxss\*')
Hiberfil on System Drive - use as exclude
( File name = 'hiberfil.sys'
AND Folder name = '?:\')
Internet Explorer Cache Files - use as exclude
( Folder name = '?:\Documents and Settings\*\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files|?:\Users\*\AppData?\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files')
Office temporary files
( File name = '~$*.docx|~$*.dotx|~$*.xlsx|~$*.xltx|~$*.ppsx|~$*.pptx|~$*.potx|~$*.sldx|~$*.doc|~$*.dot|~$*.xls|~$*.xlt|~$*.pps|~$*.ppt|~$*.pot|~$*.sld')
Pagefile on System Drive - use as exclude
( File name = 'pagefile.sys'
AND Folder name = '?:\')
Temporary Files - use as exclude
( File name = '*.tmp|*.temp|*.bkc-journal')
Windows Recycle Bin Files - use as exclude
( Folder name = '?:\Recycler|?:\Recycled|?:\$Recycle.Bin')
Windows system files
( Folder name = '%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys|%ProgramData%\Microsoft\RAC\StateData|%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows|%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Search|%SystemRoot%\Resources\Themes|%SystemRoot%\SoftwareDistribution\DataStore|%SystemRoot%\System32\LogFiles|%LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages|%SystemRoot%\CSC\|%SystemRoot%\SoftwareDistribution\Download|%SystemRoot%\System32\catroot2|%SystemRoot%\winsxs\Temp')
Windows System Restore Files - use as exclude
( Folder name = '?:\System Volume Information')
Windows Temporary Folders - use as exclude
( Folder name = '?:\Windows\Temp|?:\WINNT\Temp|?:\Documents and Settings\*\Local Settings\Temp|?:\Users\*\AppData?\Local\Temp')
Windows.old - folder
( Folder name = '*\Windows.old\*')
Backup type:
Type: Mirror
Use block backup: No
Clear archive bit: No
Zip name prefix: none
Folder name prefix: none
Fast mirror: Yes
Create full paths: Yes
Copy files in a subfolder: Yes
Remove excluded or deleted files from backup: Yes
Only if source drive is available: No
Zip the files: No
Copy NTFS security permissions: No
Copy NTFS alternate file streams: No
Allow file splitting when spanning: Yes
Use adaptive buffer: Yes
Sort mirror files for optimized spanning: Yes
Advanced settings:
Use local catalog: No
Compress catalog in destination: No
Test after backup: Yes
Quick test: No
Delete sources after successful backup: No
Remove files with errors from catalog: Yes
Verify backup before execution No
Ask for backup label before execution: No
Backup open files: Yes
Store temporary catalog data in memory: No
Smart file scanning mode: Yes
Only if the previous backup ran in the last 0 day 1 hours
Backup execution priority: Normal priority
Action before backup: not enabled
Action after backup: not enabled
Comparison criteria: [Size, Date modified, Date created, Read-Only, Archived, Hidden, System, ]
Sounds: not enabled
Emails: not enabled
Abort backup when source drives are not available: No

[21.07.2021 19:20:59] Checking backup destination (External hard drive)
[21.07.2021 19:20:59] Opening file "Y:\Backup_Downloads_Destination_2.bkc"
[21.07.2021 19:20:59] Checking if the drives of the sources exist
[21.07.2021 19:20:59] Opening file ":memory:"
[21.07.2021 19:20:59] Creating the list of files to backup
[21.07.2021 19:21:04] Folders found to backup: 0
[21.07.2021 19:21:04] Files found to backup: 1 (0 bytes)

[21.07.2021 19:21:04] Preparing shadow copy
[21.07.2021 19:21:17] Shadow copy created for drives F:

[21.07.2021 19:21:17] Saving backup catalog "Y:\Backup_Downloads_Destination_2.bkc"

[21.07.2021 19:21:17] Remove excluded or deleted files from backup
[21.07.2021 19:21:17] Opening file "Y:\Backup_Downloads_Destination_2.bkc"

[21.07.2021 19:21:17] Starting test on "Backup_Downloads_Destination_2" for backup number 5, the last backup number at 21.07.2021 19:21:17
[21.07.2021 19:21:17] 5 Mirror 21.07.2021 19:20:59 1 0 bytes
Test finished in 0 second(s) at 21.07.2021 19:21:17, 1 file(s) and 0 folder(s) tested, 0 error(s) and 0 warning(s) found
Total number of files added to backup: 1
Total number of folders added to backup: 0
Total size of files added to backup: 0 bytes
Number of files excluded: 0
Number of folders excluded: 0
Next scheduled backup: Not scheduled
Backup completed in 18 second(s) at 21.07.2021 19:21:17 with 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)

Posts: 7
Joined: Mon Jun 07, 2021 5:39 pm

Re: simple mirror backup only new and changed data, but delete deleted data

Post by Blade »

Here the logfile after I deleted the testfile on my PC:

[21.07.2021 19:21:57] Backup4all 9.1.369
[21.07.2021 19:21:57] C:\Program Files (x86)\Softland\Backup4all 9\bBackup.exe /GUI {11111111-1111-1111-1111-222222222222} /JOB {4992022D-426A-493A-8FF7-90ACC7703054}
[21.07.2021 19:21:57] Search for "Warning: " and "Error: " to locate warnings and errors in this log file
[21.07.2021 19:21:57] Operating system: Windows 10 Home (Build 19043)
Processor[0] : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz
Processor[1] : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz
Processor[2] : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz
Processor[3] : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz
Processor[4] : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz
Processor[5] : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz
Physical memory (free/total) : 25170 MB/32703 MB
Admin/BkPriv/RePriv : True/True/True
IsWOW64 : True
Locale : Deutsch (Deutschland)
Installed antiviruses:
Windows Defender

[21.07.2021 19:21:58] Opening file "C:\Users\Yves\AppData\Roaming\Softland\Backup4all 9\Backup4all.hst"
[21.07.2021 19:21:58] Starting backup for "Backup_Downloads_Destination_2" at 21.07.2021 19:21:58
[21.07.2021 19:21:58] Backup Summary:
Name: Backup_Downloads_Destination_2
Tags: Destination_2
Ini file: C:\Users\Yves\AppData\Roaming\Softland\Backup4all 9\Jobs\{4992022D-426A-493A-8FF7-90ACC7703054}.ini
Destination type: External hard drive
Drive: Y:
Folder: Y:\
Catalog: Y:\Backup_Downloads_Destination_2.bkc
Lock the destination to this external hard drive: No
Enable disk spanning: No

Include filter:
Include all files.
Exclude filter:
Bash on Ubuntu on Windows
( Folder name = '?:\Users\*\AppData\Local\lxss\*')
Hiberfil on System Drive - use as exclude
( File name = 'hiberfil.sys'
AND Folder name = '?:\')
Internet Explorer Cache Files - use as exclude
( Folder name = '?:\Documents and Settings\*\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files|?:\Users\*\AppData?\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files')
Office temporary files
( File name = '~$*.docx|~$*.dotx|~$*.xlsx|~$*.xltx|~$*.ppsx|~$*.pptx|~$*.potx|~$*.sldx|~$*.doc|~$*.dot|~$*.xls|~$*.xlt|~$*.pps|~$*.ppt|~$*.pot|~$*.sld')
Pagefile on System Drive - use as exclude
( File name = 'pagefile.sys'
AND Folder name = '?:\')
Temporary Files - use as exclude
( File name = '*.tmp|*.temp|*.bkc-journal')
Windows Recycle Bin Files - use as exclude
( Folder name = '?:\Recycler|?:\Recycled|?:\$Recycle.Bin')
Windows system files
( Folder name = '%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys|%ProgramData%\Microsoft\RAC\StateData|%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows|%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Search|%SystemRoot%\Resources\Themes|%SystemRoot%\SoftwareDistribution\DataStore|%SystemRoot%\System32\LogFiles|%LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages|%SystemRoot%\CSC\|%SystemRoot%\SoftwareDistribution\Download|%SystemRoot%\System32\catroot2|%SystemRoot%\winsxs\Temp')
Windows System Restore Files - use as exclude
( Folder name = '?:\System Volume Information')
Windows Temporary Folders - use as exclude
( Folder name = '?:\Windows\Temp|?:\WINNT\Temp|?:\Documents and Settings\*\Local Settings\Temp|?:\Users\*\AppData?\Local\Temp')
Windows.old - folder
( Folder name = '*\Windows.old\*')
Backup type:
Type: Mirror
Use block backup: No
Clear archive bit: No
Zip name prefix: none
Folder name prefix: none
Fast mirror: Yes
Create full paths: Yes
Copy files in a subfolder: Yes
Remove excluded or deleted files from backup: Yes
Only if source drive is available: No
Zip the files: No
Copy NTFS security permissions: No
Copy NTFS alternate file streams: No
Allow file splitting when spanning: Yes
Use adaptive buffer: Yes
Sort mirror files for optimized spanning: Yes
Advanced settings:
Use local catalog: No
Compress catalog in destination: No
Test after backup: Yes
Quick test: No
Delete sources after successful backup: No
Remove files with errors from catalog: Yes
Verify backup before execution No
Ask for backup label before execution: No
Backup open files: Yes
Store temporary catalog data in memory: No
Smart file scanning mode: Yes
Only if the previous backup ran in the last 0 day 1 hours
Backup execution priority: Normal priority
Action before backup: not enabled
Action after backup: not enabled
Comparison criteria: [Size, Date modified, Date created, Read-Only, Archived, Hidden, System, ]
Sounds: not enabled
Emails: not enabled
Abort backup when source drives are not available: No

[21.07.2021 19:21:58] Checking backup destination (External hard drive)
[21.07.2021 19:21:58] Opening file "Y:\Backup_Downloads_Destination_2.bkc"
[21.07.2021 19:21:58] Checking if the drives of the sources exist
[21.07.2021 19:21:58] Opening file ":memory:"
[21.07.2021 19:21:58] Creating the list of files to backup
[21.07.2021 19:22:03] Folders found to backup: 0
[21.07.2021 19:22:03] Files found to backup: 0 (0 bytes)

Next scheduled backup: Not scheduled
Backup completed in 6 second(s) at 21.07.2021 19:22:03 with 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1944
Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:46 pm

Re: simple mirror backup only new and changed data, but delete deleted data

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


The second execution did not performed any backup as there were no files and folders to be backed up.
Try to create a second file now and run the backup again.
Is the first file deleted from destination?

Please note there must be at least one new or modified source file, for the backup to run. Only then the deleted source files will be also deleted from destination.

Posts: 7
Joined: Mon Jun 07, 2021 5:39 pm

Re: simple mirror backup only new and changed data, but delete deleted data

Post by Blade »

Thank you very much! Now it works. I would not have thought that if I only delete something and then want to make a backup, must have created something new or changed something before. This is a bit strange for me, but if I know it is ok. I just don't know that much about it. Thanks to you I now know how it works. :-)
Problem solved. :mrgreen:

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1944
Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:46 pm

Re: simple mirror backup only new and changed data, but delete deleted data

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


The file deletion is part of the backup process.
If there are no files to be backed up, no backup is executed, so no files are deleted (the file deletion part is not executed).

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