Not enough disk space

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Not enough disk space

Post by surfgate »

I am really struggling to understand and resolve the following issue. At the end of the backup process, during the final merge process, I keep having the 'not enough disk space' error reported. (See log extract below)
The N: Drive is an external NTFS drive and had close to 2T of free space. The backups (#'s 474,475,476) it is trying to merge total only 30gig.

Any help or advice would be hugely appreciated?

*****Begin log extract*************************************************
[19/11/2012 04:59:54 AM] Starting test on "Daily ZENOKO" for backup number 479, the last backup number at 19/11/2012 04:59:54 AM
Test finished at 19/11/2012 06:21:31 AM, 132685 file(s) and 19204 folder(s) tested, 0 error(s) and 0 warning(s) found

[19/11/2012 06:21:33 AM] Starting merge for backup numbers : 474, 475, 476
[19/11/2012 06:21:35 AM] Merging zip file N:\Backup4All\Daily ZENOKO\
[19/11/2012 06:21:50 AM] Merging zip file N:\Backup4All\Daily ZENOKO\
[19/11/2012 06:22:12 AM] Merging zip file N:\Backup4All\Daily ZENOKO\
[19/11/2012 06:28:11 AM] Merging zip file N:\Backup4All\Daily ZENOKO\
[19/11/2012 06:28:12 AM] Merging zip file N:\Backup4All\Daily ZENOKO\
[19/11/2012 06:28:13 AM] Merging zip file N:\Backup4All\Daily ZENOKO\
[19/11/2012 06:36:45 AM] Warning: Cannot add file "N:\BackupTemp\471VVHCWSF058.t4A" to "N:\Backup4All\Daily ZENOKO\".
Zip error: Not enough room to write archive (N:\Backup4All\Daily ZENOKO\ There is not enough space on the disk
Merge failed!

Total number of files added to backup: 132685
Total number of folders added to backup: 19204
Total size of files added to backup: 162.25 GB (uncompressed), 134.71 GB (compressed)
Number of files excluded: 4387
Number of folders excluded: 6
Files skipped: 2
Next scheduled backup:
Backup completed at 19/11/2012 06:36:45 AM with 0 error(s), 3 warning(s)
*****End log extract*************************************************************

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1946
Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:46 pm

Re: Not enough disk space

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Please make sure you have enough free disk space on C: drive as here will be the merge location unless you changed the temporary folder location from Tools->Options->Application folders.

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