large # of files, extremely slow to start backup

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Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1952
Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:46 pm

Re: large # of files, extremely slow to start backup

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


The problem was solved in version 4.6.260 of Backup4all
Do you know you can monitor your backups remotely with Backup4all Monitor? You can read more here:

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Re: large # of files, extremely slow to start backup

Post by Istvan »

I am having the same problem. Today it has been 7 hours now that the backup is active and only backed up 3.5 gigabytes (this is not the initial run, but I still have hundreds of gigabytes to back up). The internet connection, the source and the target destinations seem to work fine otherwise. This is a backup from a WebDAV connection of a synology nas over the internet to an iscsi-connected IX2 in my home LAN through a Windows10 laptop, on the same LAN as the IX2, in between. Everything is password protected with file names obfuscated, due to the GDPR.
Please advise.

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1952
Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:46 pm

Re: large # of files, extremely slow to start backup

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


How long does it take for File Explorer to copy 1 GB of data from the same source drive to the same destination drive as in Backup4all?

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Re: large # of files, extremely slow to start backup

Post by Istvan »

Thank you for the response. I have just checked and apparently the internet connection is the culprit because it took about 1 hour to copy one gigabyte (in 1000 files). While this is still twice as much as I quoted in my initial post, I also recall that during the first night 100 gigabytes were backed up in about 10 hours or so.
It appears that the internet service is too unreliable (this is not the only symptom) and I am going to switch ISPs. If I encounter similar problems with the new provider, I'll get back to you.
Thanks for the help so far.

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Re: large # of files, extremely slow to start backup

Post by Istvan »

I have switched internet service providers. Now tcopying 2.5 gigabytes in my setup took about 15 minutes, so it is about 6-7 minutes to copy a gigabyte. This would be about 80-100 gigabytes during an overnight session, which is good for me.
The bigger problem is that I have about 180 gigabytes already backed up and when I started the backup this afternoon, it took about 4.5 hours to just test the existing files. I have at least twice as much data that hasn't even been backed up yet but if it takes the proportionate amount of time to just start the backup, i.e. about half a day, then clearly that won't work.
Furthermore, stopping the backup was also a hassle, when I click "stop", it keeps on analysing files instead of stopping.
So overall I was unable to make any progress with the backup.

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1952
Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:46 pm

Re: large # of files, extremely slow to start backup

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Testing the existing backups before running the current one, is not a default option. Did you enabled it?
Please send us the last backup log file to support[at]backup4all[dot]com

Pressing the "Stop" button will finish processing the file in progress and then the backup will stop. It depends on which phase you pressed the Stop button.

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