Incremental Backups no longer working

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Joined: Fri Aug 26, 2016 11:07 pm

Incremental Backups no longer working

Post by epicmar »

Hello, I'm using Backup4all 5.5 for daily incremental backups to an external hard drive from a NAS drive across the network via a Windows 7 PC, rotating through 3 different external drives on a biweekly schedule.

Recently, I've notice that 2 out of the 3 backups jobs, associated with 2 of the external drives, fails to perform incremental backups. The initial backup works fine but the subsequent daily incrementals attempt to do another full backup each time, for which there is insufficient destination disk space, this despite typically less than 2% file modifications present on the NAS.

I tried deleting the 2 failing backup jobs and copying the good working job to create the missing jobs, yet they still fail to perform incremental backups, always performing full backups, even if I manually select and start an incremental backup.

Any ideas? This has been driving me crazy. Am I missing some setting?


Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Incremental Backups no longer working

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Please note the backup jobs are independent. If you set the Incremental backup type, the first backup execution will be a full and then increments will be performed.

Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Aug 26, 2016 11:07 pm

Re: Incremental Backups no longer working

Post by epicmar »

My incremental backups that had worked just fine for many months with Backup4all 5.5 (and with earlier versions as well) had suddenly stopped working about a month ago. Yes the initial backup is always full but the subsequent daily backups continued to be full even though incremental was selected. Late last week I upgraded to Backup4all 6.1 and imported my 3 existing backup jobs, and now the incremental backups appear to be working correctly again. Problem solved!

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