FIXED: Amazon S3 - stopped working after v7 upgrade

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FIXED: Amazon S3 - stopped working after v7 upgrade

Post by Kaibosh »

Loving v7 - but since upgrading all of my backups to Amazon S3 have stopped working. All were working fine in Backup4all v6.. Every run now ends with a failure per the below (bucket below isn't the actual one used)
[14/10/2017 4:48:44 PM] Testing content of zip C:\Users\123\AppData\Local\Temp\Softland\Backup4all 7\JUIN2IPF5518481EMD7JM9LTP6D7\
Backup aborted. Reason:
Cannot upload file "C:\Users\123\AppData\Local\Temp\Softland\Backup4all 7\JUIN2IPF5518481EMD7JM9LTP6D7\" to "/" (Amazon S3). Cannot create folder "/".
Next scheduled backup: Not scheduled
Backup aborted after 48 second(s) at 14/10/2017 4:48:44 PM with 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)

If the exact same jobs weren't working just fine in v6, I'd be assuming that I was doing something wrong - but they were.

I've tried setting up a new backup (and so new Amazon S3 destination in program) using an existing bucket. Failed per the above. Tried using a new bucket and creating that new bucket via the "Create" button in the app, and that gives an error ("Cannot create the bucket - Please select another bucket name or region"). Tried another name, and then another region - both no luck.

The Access Key ID used is for a user with full S3 access - but I tried creating a new Access Key for the user just in case it helped. Same result.
Last edited by Kaibosh on Sat Nov 25, 2017 3:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Amazon S3 - stopped working after v7 upgrade

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


We do not have such problems here.
Please send us the last backup log for that job to support[at]backup4all[dot]com, to see what the problem is.

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Re: Amazon S3 - stopped working after v7 upgrade

Post by Kaibosh »

I've sent the log from the test job that I setup as it's significantly smaller (attempting to backup a couple of files as opposed to hundreds/thousands of files). Per email sent, I can provide the log for the actual backup - but the error and circumstances are exactly the same.

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Re: Amazon S3 - stopped working after v7 upgrade

Post by Kaibosh »

In case anyone else has similar issues, with support's assistance we've found the cause.. The problem is the periods in the bucket name - for some reason B4all v7 doesn't like them. Switching to dashes fixed it.
The reason for periods not working is being investigated further.

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Re: Amazon S3 - stopped working after v7 upgrade

Post by Kaibosh »

Tested after update to v 7.0.220 and confirmed fixed.

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