Creating Block List running for hours

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Creating Block List running for hours

Post by TheSNK »

I have version 6.2 of the software build 245, Professional version.

I am backing up a large Steam game library. Around 2.1 terabytes. I am using a Smart Backup with the default options save for enabling block level backup.

My computer is a i4790k intel with 16GB ram, Samsung EVO 850 SSD for OS/App drive and a 4 terabyte WD black drive with my Steam library. The destination is a 6 terabyte WD MyCloud network drive attached via 1Gbit Ethernet.

This is the first backup.

It has been running (currently) for 4 hours and 27 minutes with the status of "Creating block list" I do see in my task manager that the Backup4All process is taking 422mb of ram and averaging about 160 MB/s disk access.

Should this be taking this long to do? Will this massive amount of time be consumed every time I perform a subsequent backup? Is something wrong? I continue to let it run but not sure if this is proper. I know from the past, when I never used the block level option, it would take a while to start up (not too bad) and roll right into file copying.

I selected block level because of the mention in documentation on saving backup and restore time.

Thank you for your help.

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Creating Block List running for hours

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


If there are very large files, creating the blocks might take a while. As long as the backup is running, I suggest you to wait.

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Re: Creating Block List running for hours

Post by ErwinC »


I'm testing Backup4all and I'm afraid I'm experiancing the same issue.
I'm testing the backup of a 60GB VHD file to block level the file to a FTP server (currently localy).

First backup I ran took less than 2 hours including the local FTP transfer.
But than I tried to run a second backup to see what it would transfer when the file changed and how long it would take.

I already needed to cancel it 3 times because I needed to go home after hours and hours.
Today, after reading this post, I decided to let it run longer, but now I'm at 13 hours already.
The meter stays all the time at 0% and does not move.
I don't think thats normal, because I don't see a lot of disk activity (it's an SSD), the CPU usage (bBackup.exe) stays about stable at somewhat 24%.

I now cancelled the backup like 20 minutes ago and it stays on "Aborting backup".
Again no much disk activity. CPU stays stable around 24%.

Can you please help me with this?


Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1944
Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:46 pm

Re: Creating Block List running for hours

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Please send us the last backup log for that job to support[at]backup4all[dot]com

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