Bug: If job is canceled, the junk archive is not deleted.

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Bug: If job is canceled, the junk archive is not deleted.

Post by net_user »

When a job is running, the program creates a .zip file in the output folder. Then if the job is canceled, the program does not delete this .zip file, which may cause conflicts if you repeat the job. The program must delete the junk .zip file is the job is not properly finished.

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Bug: If job is canceled, the junk archive is not deleted.

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Please send me the last backup log for that job to support[at]backup4all[dot]com

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Re: Bug: If job is canceled, the junk archive is not deleted.

Post by net_user »

Sent you the log, while it doesn't show anything helpful as I think. Just try and test it. The junk file remains after a job has been aborted, and the next run seems to use this junk and add files to this junk file without deleting it. This can cause issue.

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Bug: If job is canceled, the junk archive is not deleted.

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


I tried to reproduce the problem but the temporary files are deleted after the job was cancelled.
Starting a new backup cannot use the same file (even if you say it was left there). We do not just use the files existing in a specific location to create the backup.
I suggest you to start with a new backup and tell us the exact steps you made in order to reproduce the problem. Please note that closing the Backup4all interface does not automatically cancel the backup. It will continue to run in background.

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Re: Bug: If job is canceled, the junk archive is not deleted.

Post by net_user »

I don't mean the temporary files when I write "junk file". Junk file is left in the output folder where the program backups to. So if you have a job that backups folder "A" to folder "B", i.e. in the folder "B" it creates the backups (.zip files), then the junk files are left in that folder "B", i.e. those .zip files remain if you cancel the backup.

So open the program and the target backup folder, start a backup, you will see that .zip files are created in the target folder. Cancel the backup and wait while the program finishes. Now you can see that it did not delete unfinished .zip files.

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Bug: If job is canceled, the junk archive is not deleted.

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


I now understand what you wanted to say. If the backup job is cancelled during the backup, the part of the zip file copied in destination remains there.
That is how the application works. If the user press Cancel, that means he wants to abort the backup immediately. No other actions are performed after cancel.

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Re: Bug: If job is canceled, the junk archive is not deleted.

Post by net_user »

Why to leave that partial .zip file when the job is canceled? That .zip file is not registered in the catalog so it is a junk that must be removed. On the next run of the job, the program will be adding files to that junk .zip file, right? Because you use zip add method.

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Bug: If job is canceled, the junk archive is not deleted.

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


That file is not used anymore by the following backups.

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Re: Bug: If job is canceled, the junk archive is not deleted.

Post by net_user »

Delete these junk files always when the job is aborted, it is a junk and should not be there. It is not a correct behavior of a good program to leave junk. It is not good when you leave junk in temp folders, but it is even worse when you leave junk in a backup output folder. This is not a problem maybe for you with tiny test backup jobs, but if you have multi-gigabyte backups, this wastes the storage room and if you copy your backups online, this becomes a problem, because you have several GB of junk to upload.

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1941
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Re: Bug: If job is canceled, the junk archive is not deleted.

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


I put your request on the wishlist.

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