Backup4all backup speed from external disk to NAS HD

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Backup4all backup speed from external disk to NAS HD

Post by cecunha »

I need a software to backup my files and I'm evaluating a few options.
Among others, I am testing Backup4all (30 days), which was the software I liked the most, for its reliability, support and existing features.

I plan to set up a schedule to backup all my HD disks (Internal / C drive-NTFS and External / WD Passport 3200 ML-FAT32) to the NAS Disk (Iomega Network Drive-NTFS) without compression (Mirror - for direct use with Windows Explorer). The Backup update could be under my command about once every 15 days.
My system is a DELL XPS 17 - i7 Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit.

After several tests I noticed that the software Backup4all was very slow in copying files from USB removable disk (WD) to NAS disk.
I decided to do a test comparing the performance of the various softwares under evaluation.
I created two identical folders on the hard disks in C: and F: (External) with 519 files each (lots of photos and four MS Word and MS Excel files). This folder holds 2.58 GB in total.

In fact, I have frustrating experiences with Backup and Restore with other softwares and, because of this, I want to do something simple just to protect my data files. The idea is to make a backup of all my folders on drive C: and F: (external) to a Disk NAS (network) and keep the backup manually updated every 15 days or so, by just copying what has changed in the period. I prefer uncompressed backup in order to avoid risks of Restore not working and also have the agility to recover a lost file with Windows Explorer. I believe that a fast mirror backup will take more then 24 hours in normal conditions(total of 500GB for both HD drives).
The backups on all tests were then Mirror (Fast Mirror in Backup4all), without compression.

From the logs and chronometer (same environment), we can see the test results in this table (without the copy verification phase):

Software / Copy Folder to C: to NAS (seconds) / Copy Folder to F: to NAS (seconds)
Windows Explorer (not backup software) / 397 s / 387 s
Nero Backitup 11 / 763 s / 683 s
Handy Backup / 1072 s / 1125 s
Backup4all / 1380 s / 3760 s

I do not mind a difference of 30 or 40%, but I don’t understand the time elapsed in Backup4all backup copy from external disk F: to Network NAS disk.
The problem is reproducible every time with any folders.
Why this big difference?
Is there a parameter that can be set to eliminate this time difference?
Thank you for your recommendations.

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Backup4all backup speed from external disk to NAS HD

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Can you please send us the log files for Backup4all to support[at]backup4all[dot]com?
Do you know you can monitor your backups remotely with Backup4all Monitor? You can read more here:

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Re: Backup4all backup speed from external disk to NAS HD

Post by ADWSolutions »

I have a comparable problem.
I also want to backup around 80Gb to an external network drive (NAS) but it's taking over 8 hours!!
Previously I used NTBackup software of MS and for a full backup it took no longer then 2 hours.

Is the 30 day trail version slower then the one you purchase or do i have to split up the backup file into 10GB pieces?

Kind regards

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Backup4all backup speed from external disk to NAS HD

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


The trial version has no limitations in functionality, only the 30 days time limitation.
Please send me the last backup log from View->Job Logs->Last backup log to support[at]backup4all[dot]com to see what the problem was.

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1941
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Re: Backup4all backup speed from external disk to NAS HD

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Please note the backup jobs are independent. The first execution of an incremental backup job will be a full, after that incremental backups will be performed. You should continue only with the Incremental job.

The log file you sent me is not complete, do you have a complete backup job?

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