Backup to Google Drive freezes

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Backup to Google Drive freezes

Post by fox_nl »


Backing up large amounts of files (not necessarily large MB's) to Google Drive isn't working corretly.
I want to backup all files in a network drive (NAS), the drive is a network drive on my PC. The backup goes to a Google Drive location. It is a mirror backup, I need the files approachable on the Google Drive. The backup should run every night to sync.

At first the backup goes perfect, but after some time it freezes. No further progress in % or bytes. The status remains exactly the same. And I've given it several hours to backup.
The file that it freezes on isn't the same one each time, and isn't large (even PDF's of a few kb).
If I press Pauze or Stop nothing happens. I have to close the program using task manager.
The problem is that then the library isn't updated so backup4all doesn't see that the files are already uploaded and then it starts to upload everything over again.

I have been successful in backup the files section at a time, with just a few files each go. However now the entire folder is synced and new files are added during the day, it freezes during the night backup so system isn't working.

The Google Drive has more than enough space left so that isn't the issue.
The PC is not going into sleep mode or anything like that.
backup4all isn't using a lot of process power or memory during the backups

How can I solve this?

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Backup to Google Drive freezes

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Please send us the last backup log for that job to support[at]backup4all[dot]com

Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Jul 13, 2016 3:49 pm

Re: Backup to Google Drive freezes

Post by fox_nl »

Update, currently in contact with support. Assuming we solve the issue; the support is good so far!

Claudiu (Softland)
Posts: 63
Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2009 10:48 am

Re: Backup to Google Drive freezes

Post by Claudiu (Softland) »

We've recently updated Backup4all to 6.1.227 and it includes multiple Google Drive fixes, so the recommendation is to install the latest version.

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