Backup aborted - SQL error

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Backup aborted - SQL error

Post by AnneW »

[15/06/2016 00:03:07] Error: SQL error "m_hStmtTmpFlsVerExcl" - SQLite_Finalize, library routine called out of sequence (21) (SQL04)
[15/06/2016 00:03:07] Closing file "C:\Users\Anne\AppData\Roaming\Softland\Backup4all 6\Backup4all.hst"

This is beyond my knowledge level. Is there anything I can do about it?


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Re: Backup aborted - SQL error

Post by AnneW »

Apparently I had a similar sounding error, last year. In that case it was caused by filename conflicts - eg. upper case/lower case versions of the same filename. I don't think it is the same problem this time so here is some additional information about this particular backup.

I have just expanded and rebuilt my RAID. At this point the external drive containing the backups was filling up, so I split the main backup (NAS to external drive). The directories I am attempting to back up now have been handled correctly before the split. Anything else relevant?


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Re: Backup aborted - SQL error

Post by AnneW »

In fact it almost certainly was the same problem as last time. The difficulty is that there is no easy way of knowing where the backup was looking when it found something it couldn't handle. The only way, I think, is to greatly reduce the size of the backup initially, then painstakingly go through every folder that you have added, checking filenames. When the backup can run on that set, add a small number of directories, and repeat the procedure until you can complete.

Time consuming, but it does work.


Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Backup aborted - SQL error

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Do you have this problem every time you run the backup?
As the log file is not complete, is the error about the Backup4all.hst file?
In such a case you can close Backup4all and rename the "Backup4all.hst" file. Do you still have the problem after that?

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Joined: Sat Dec 06, 2014 12:04 pm

Re: Backup aborted - SQL error

Post by AnneW »

Support wrote:
> Hi,
> Do you have this problem every time you run the backup?
> As the log file is not complete, is the error about the Backup4all.hst file?
> In such a case you can close Backup4all and rename the "Backup4all.hst" file. Do
> you still have the problem after that?

The problem only surfaced after a RAID extend and rebuild, when I had to reconfigure all my backups to take the changes into consideration. The backup log file lists a large number of "Adding" quite happily, then suddenly aborts with the error quoted.

I did find two pairs of files where names were identical apart from case, and thought that was it. In fact, as I ploughed through looking for more of those I found a few very old files that appear to have been corrupted. I removed them, and the backups all now complete.

I consider the problem closed - but posted my findings in the hope of helping someone else later.


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