Backup not Working, Why
What am I doing wrong. I hope it is OK to paste my log file in this note as I have no idea what it is saying.
Tried everything but it will not backup this folder.
6/17/2011 4:31:42 PM] Backup4all Professional Edition 4.6.253
[6/17/2011 4:31:42 PM] Starting backup for "Jordy Pics" at 6/17/2011 4:31:42 PM
[6/17/2011 4:31:42 PM] Operating system: Windows 7 Home Edition (build 7600)
[6/17/2011 4:31:42 PM] Backup Summary:
Name: Jordy Pics
Group: My Backup Jobs
Ini file: C:\Users\Fred\AppData\Roaming\Softland\Backup4all Professional 4\IniFiles\Jordy Pics.ini
Destination type: External hard drive
Drive: I:
Folder: I:\Backup4All\
Catalog: I:\Backup4All\
Lock the destination to this external hard drive: No
Enable disk spanning: No
Include filter:
Include all files.
Exclude filter:
Hiberfil on System Drive - use as exclude
( File name = 'hiberfil.sys'
AND Folder name = '%SystemDrive%')
Pagefile on System Drive - use as exclude
( File name = 'pagefile.sys'
AND Folder name = '%SystemDrive%')
Temporary Files - use as exclude
( File name = '*.tmp|*.temp|*.bak|*.chk|*.bkc-journal')
Temporary Folders - use as exclude
( Folder name = '%temp%|%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files|?:\System Volume Information|?:\Recycler|?:\Recycled|%SystemRoot%\Temp\*')
Backup type:
Type: Full
Save storage space: No
Clear archive bit: No
Zip name prefix: none
Compression level: medium
Do not compress files of type: *.zip|*.rar|*.mp3|*.avi|*.7z|*.gif|*.png|*.jpeg|*.jpg|*.mpg|*.gz|*.gzip|*.mov|*.swf
Always use temporary folder to create zip files: No
Use alternate zipping mode: No
Password: no password
Use Zip AES encryption: Yes
Key strength: 128 bits
Zip split size: Automatic
Create independent splits: No
Advanced settings:
Use local catalog: Yes
Test after backup: Yes
Delete sources after successful backup: No
Ask for backup label before execution: No
Backup open files: Yes
Store temporary catalog data in memory Yes
Backup execution priority: Normal priority
Action before backup: not enabled
Action after backup: not enabled
Comparison criteria: [Size, Date modified, Date created, Read-Only, Archived, Hidden, System]
Sounds: not enabled
Emails: not enabled
Show warning and error messages when scheduled: No
Abort backup when source drives are not available: No
Ask for user input when backup cannot continue: No
[6/17/2011 4:31:45 PM] Checking if the drives of the sources exist
[6/17/2011 4:31:45 PM] Checking backup destination (External hard drive)
[6/17/2011 4:31:45 PM] Creating the list of files to backup
[6/17/2011 4:31:47 PM] Folders found to backup: 33
[6/17/2011 4:31:47 PM] Files found to backup: 1,649 (3.16 GB)
[6/17/2011 4:31:48 PM] Preparing shadow copy
[6/17/2011 4:31:59 PM] Archiving files to
[6/17/2011 4:31:59 PM] Waiting for user input
Cannot open file "K:\Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG"
File already exists in zip (srDuplicateFile)
[6/17/2011 4:32:10 PM] Continuing
[6/17/2011 4:32:10 PM] Warning: Skipping file K:\Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG
File already exists in zip (srDuplicateFile)
[6/17/2011 4:32:10 PM] Saving backup catalog "C:\Users\Fred\AppData\Roaming\Softland\Backup4all Professional 4\bkcFiles\Jordy Pics.bkc"
[6/17/2011 4:32:12 PM] Starting test on "Jordy Pics" for all backup numbers at 6/17/2011 4:32:12 PM
[6/17/2011 4:32:12 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (401421)
[6/17/2011 4:32:15 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (840556)
[6/17/2011 4:32:15 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (952914)
[6/17/2011 4:32:15 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (921884)
[6/17/2011 4:32:15 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (45326278)
[6/17/2011 4:32:15 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (40679166)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1047919104)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1296812)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1305445)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1304894)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1247992)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1266628)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1314514)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1305370)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1277330)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1297615)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1285295)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1230970)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1270057)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (252881)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1312157)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1314188)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1287428)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (9437238)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (9437238)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (3794227)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (9449698)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1314514)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1305370)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1277330)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1297615)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1285295)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1230970)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1314188)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1280498)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1287428)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (2669501)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1318456)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1282490)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1279348)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1296812)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1304894)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1247992)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1266628)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (218614)
Test finished at 6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM, 1648 file(s) and 33 folder(s) tested, 0 error(s) and 1647 warning(s) found
Total number of files added to backup: 1648
Total number of folders added to backup: 33
Total size of files added to backup: 3.16 GB (uncompressed), 1.01 MB (compressed)
Number of files excluded: 1648
Number of folders excluded: 0
Files skipped: 1
Next scheduled backup:
Backup completed at 6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM with 0 error(s), 1648 warning(s)
Tried everything but it will not backup this folder.
6/17/2011 4:31:42 PM] Backup4all Professional Edition 4.6.253
[6/17/2011 4:31:42 PM] Starting backup for "Jordy Pics" at 6/17/2011 4:31:42 PM
[6/17/2011 4:31:42 PM] Operating system: Windows 7 Home Edition (build 7600)
[6/17/2011 4:31:42 PM] Backup Summary:
Name: Jordy Pics
Group: My Backup Jobs
Ini file: C:\Users\Fred\AppData\Roaming\Softland\Backup4all Professional 4\IniFiles\Jordy Pics.ini
Destination type: External hard drive
Drive: I:
Folder: I:\Backup4All\
Catalog: I:\Backup4All\
Lock the destination to this external hard drive: No
Enable disk spanning: No
Include filter:
Include all files.
Exclude filter:
Hiberfil on System Drive - use as exclude
( File name = 'hiberfil.sys'
AND Folder name = '%SystemDrive%')
Pagefile on System Drive - use as exclude
( File name = 'pagefile.sys'
AND Folder name = '%SystemDrive%')
Temporary Files - use as exclude
( File name = '*.tmp|*.temp|*.bak|*.chk|*.bkc-journal')
Temporary Folders - use as exclude
( Folder name = '%temp%|%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files|?:\System Volume Information|?:\Recycler|?:\Recycled|%SystemRoot%\Temp\*')
Backup type:
Type: Full
Save storage space: No
Clear archive bit: No
Zip name prefix: none
Compression level: medium
Do not compress files of type: *.zip|*.rar|*.mp3|*.avi|*.7z|*.gif|*.png|*.jpeg|*.jpg|*.mpg|*.gz|*.gzip|*.mov|*.swf
Always use temporary folder to create zip files: No
Use alternate zipping mode: No
Password: no password
Use Zip AES encryption: Yes
Key strength: 128 bits
Zip split size: Automatic
Create independent splits: No
Advanced settings:
Use local catalog: Yes
Test after backup: Yes
Delete sources after successful backup: No
Ask for backup label before execution: No
Backup open files: Yes
Store temporary catalog data in memory Yes
Backup execution priority: Normal priority
Action before backup: not enabled
Action after backup: not enabled
Comparison criteria: [Size, Date modified, Date created, Read-Only, Archived, Hidden, System]
Sounds: not enabled
Emails: not enabled
Show warning and error messages when scheduled: No
Abort backup when source drives are not available: No
Ask for user input when backup cannot continue: No
[6/17/2011 4:31:45 PM] Checking if the drives of the sources exist
[6/17/2011 4:31:45 PM] Checking backup destination (External hard drive)
[6/17/2011 4:31:45 PM] Creating the list of files to backup
[6/17/2011 4:31:47 PM] Folders found to backup: 33
[6/17/2011 4:31:47 PM] Files found to backup: 1,649 (3.16 GB)
[6/17/2011 4:31:48 PM] Preparing shadow copy
[6/17/2011 4:31:59 PM] Archiving files to
[6/17/2011 4:31:59 PM] Waiting for user input
Cannot open file "K:\Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG"
File already exists in zip (srDuplicateFile)
[6/17/2011 4:32:10 PM] Continuing
[6/17/2011 4:32:10 PM] Warning: Skipping file K:\Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG
File already exists in zip (srDuplicateFile)
[6/17/2011 4:32:10 PM] Saving backup catalog "C:\Users\Fred\AppData\Roaming\Softland\Backup4all Professional 4\bkcFiles\Jordy Pics.bkc"
[6/17/2011 4:32:12 PM] Starting test on "Jordy Pics" for all backup numbers at 6/17/2011 4:32:12 PM
[6/17/2011 4:32:12 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (401421)
[6/17/2011 4:32:15 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (840556)
[6/17/2011 4:32:15 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (952914)
[6/17/2011 4:32:15 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (921884)
[6/17/2011 4:32:15 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (45326278)
[6/17/2011 4:32:15 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (40679166)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1047919104)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1296812)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1305445)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1304894)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1247992)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1266628)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1314514)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1305370)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1277330)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1297615)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1285295)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1230970)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1270057)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (252881)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1312157)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1314188)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1287428)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (9437238)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (9437238)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (3794227)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (9449698)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1314514)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1305370)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1277330)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1297615)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1285295)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1230970)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1314188)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1280498)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1287428)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (2669501)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1318456)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1282490)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1279348)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1296812)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1304894)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1247992)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (1266628)
[6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM] Warning: Size of file "Pictures\Jordy\Atlanta Aquarium 2007\Jordy Aqua Atl (1).JPG" in destination (528325) is different than the size stored in catalog (218614)
Test finished at 6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM, 1648 file(s) and 33 folder(s) tested, 0 error(s) and 1647 warning(s) found
Total number of files added to backup: 1648
Total number of folders added to backup: 33
Total size of files added to backup: 3.16 GB (uncompressed), 1.01 MB (compressed)
Number of files excluded: 1648
Number of folders excluded: 0
Files skipped: 1
Next scheduled backup:
Backup completed at 6/17/2011 4:32:16 PM with 0 error(s), 1648 warning(s)
Re: Backup not Working, Why
Not sure what the problem was but by deleting both BKC files for each backup I was able to create everything new and it worked. Kept reading the web site and discovered that there was two locations for the BKC files. Didn't know that but the problem went away. All is well for now.