Restore issue - Stuck at 'Prepare files list' stage

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Restore issue - Stuck at 'Prepare files list' stage

Post by MushyBurger »

Hi. I'm having an issue with the Restore function.

S/W:6.2 Build 245

When running restore, the operation starts, but doesn't get past the 'Prepare files list' stage (0%). The elapsed time increases and I have left it for over an hour, but it still sits at that stage. The 'Total progress' sits at 'N/A'.

I have checked both the Backup4All logs and Windows logs, but there is no entry for the restore.

I have removed the anitvirus, so that isn't a factor.

I have tried various combinations of file restores, save locations and restore types, and all have the same result.

The backup function seems to be working ok.

Any ideas what could be causing this issue?


Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1958
Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:46 pm

Re: Restore issue - Stuck at 'Prepare files list' stage

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Please right click the backup job and select Job Logs->Last restore log, does the log file exists?
If yes, please send it to support[at]backup4all[dot]com.
If the file does not exist, please make sure the bRestore.exe process is not blocked by the antivirus/firewall. Put it in the exceptions list.

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