Restore after hard drive crash

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Restore after hard drive crash

Post by Highmaster2 »

Have been doing incremental backups to a local drive of all files on 4 other drives (2 internal, 2 USB). Win7 hard drive crashed. Followed directions in article about this subject. Reinstalled Win7 and Backup4all 4.x. Told it to restore all files to original locations for the C (Win7) drive only. After restore system would no longer boot and there were over 61,000 files that did not restore. These were files deep in the Windows directory.

Reformatted & re-installed Win7. Booted into Vista from a different drive and ran Backup4All from there - told it to restore all files from the Win7 drive, restored to a different location and pointed it to the Win 7 drive. All the program and data files seemed to restore properly but still had the same 61,000+ files that did not restore. When I rebooted to the restored Win7 drive, startup repair ran and could not fix the problem but said that ntosnrnl.exe was corrupt. I can fix that, but how can I get Backup4All to actually restore all files?

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1953
Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:46 pm

Re: Restore after hard drive crash

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


First, please note Backup4all was not designed for system backups.
Before the restore started, did you select "Restore excluded and deleted files" option?

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