Premature end of file reached.

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Posts: 6
Joined: Fri Jan 17, 2020 8:29 pm

Premature end of file reached.

Post by chriss »


I'm having an issue getting the backup to run successfully. At first I'd notice the premature end of file reached messages, but I'm also seeing the following:

[1/16/2020 8:19:46 PM] Opening file "C:\Users\tspec\AppData\Roaming\Softland\Backup4all 8\Backup4all.hst"
[1/16/2020 8:20:46 PM] Ipc warning: Register failed : Timeout waiting for a reply to imtRegister 0. Action will run silently
[1/16/2020 8:20:56 PM] Ipc warning: GetRegisteredApps failed : Timeout waiting for a reply to imtRegister 0

I tried to do a test restore today and it's just locking up, even though it completes with warnings. Below is the backup log. I've tried creating another job. I used Smart, then I was trying Full every night, an d now I've got incremental every day but a Full on Friday. This is the end result. I just can't get this backup software to work. Any help or suggestions on the problem would be appreciated.

[1/16/2020 8:19:46 PM] Opening file "C:\Users\tspec\AppData\Roaming\Softland\Backup4all 8\Backup4all.hst"
[1/16/2020 8:20:46 PM] Ipc warning: Register failed : Timeout waiting for a reply to imtRegister 0. Action will run silently
[1/16/2020 8:20:56 PM] Ipc warning: GetRegisteredApps failed : Timeout waiting for a reply to imtRegister 0
[1/16/2020 8:20:56 PM] Starting backup for "File Backup" at 1/16/2020 8:20:56 PM
[1/16/2020 8:20:56 PM] Backup Summary:
Name: File Backup
Ini file: C:\Users\tspec\AppData\Roaming\Softland\Backup4all 8\Jobs\{606DBB80-AC9F-4A4C-89B7-FE521B69DF3C}.ini
Destination type: External hard drive
Drive: E:
Folder: E:\
Catalog: E:\File Backup.bkc
Lock the destination to this external hard drive: No
Enable disk spanning: No
[Local hard drive]
D:\ServerApps\Adobe Acrobat XI Standard
D:\ServerApps\Innovative Engineering Services, Inc..QBW
D:\ServerApps\Innovative Engineering Services, Inc..QBW.DSN
D:\ServerApps\Innovative Engineering Services, Inc..QBW.ND
D:\ServerApps\Innovative Engineering Services, Inc..QBW.SearchIndex
D:\ServerApps\Innovative Engineering Services, Inc..QBW.TLG
D:\ServerApps\IPF785 Driver Win7 64bit
[Local hard drive]
Include filter:
Include all files.
Exclude filter:
Bash on Ubuntu on Windows
( Folder name = '?:\Users\*\AppData\Local\lxss\*')
Hiberfil on System Drive - use as exclude
( File name = 'hiberfil.sys'
AND Folder name = '?:\')
Internet Explorer Cache Files - use as exclude
( Folder name = '?:\Documents and Settings\*\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files|?:\Users\*\AppData?\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files')
Office temporary files
( File name = '~$*.docx|~$*.dotx|~$*.xlsx|~$*.xltx|~$*.ppsx|~$*.pptx|~$*.potx|~$*.sldx|~$*.doc|~$*.dot|~$*.xls|~$*.xlt|~$*.pps|~$*.ppt|~$*.pot|~$*.sld')
Pagefile on System Drive - use as exclude
( File name = 'pagefile.sys'
AND Folder name = '?:\')
Temporary Files - use as exclude
( File name = '*.tmp|*.temp|*.bkc-journal')
Windows Recycle Bin Files - use as exclude
( Folder name = '?:\Recycler|?:\Recycled|?:\$Recycle.Bin')
Windows system files
( Folder name = '%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys|%ProgramData%\Microsoft\RAC\StateData|%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows|%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Search|%SystemRoot%\Resources\Themes|%SystemRoot%\SoftwareDistribution\DataStore|%SystemRoot%\System32\LogFiles|%LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages|%SystemRoot%\CSC\|%SystemRoot%\SoftwareDistribution\Download|%SystemRoot%\System32\catroot2|%SystemRoot%\winsxs\Temp')
Windows System Restore Files - use as exclude
( Folder name = '?:\System Volume Information')
Windows Temporary Folders - use as exclude
( Folder name = '?:\Windows\Temp|?:\WINNT\Temp|?:\Documents and Settings\*\Local Settings\Temp|?:\Users\*\AppData?\Local\Temp')
Windows.old - folder
( Folder name = '*\Windows.old\*')
Backup type:
Type: Full
Use block backup: No
Save storage space: Limit number of backups to 6
Merge Backups: Yes
Clear archive bit: No
Compression level: medium
Do not compress files of type: *.zip|*.rar|*.mp3|*.avi|*.7z|*.gif|*.png|*.jpeg|*.jpg|*.mpg|*.gz|*.gzip|*.mov|*.swf
Always use temporary folder to create zip files: No
Use alternate zipping mode: No
Password: no password
Zip split size: Automatic
Create independent splits: Yes
Advanced settings:
Use local catalog: No
Compress catalog in destination: No
Test after backup: Yes
Quick test: No
Delete sources after successful backup: No
Remove files with errors from catalog: No
Verify backup before execution No
Ask for backup label before execution: No
Backup open files: Yes
Store temporary catalog data in memory: Yes
Smart file scanning mode: Yes
Only if the previous backup ran in the last 0 day 1 hours
Backup execution priority: Normal priority
Action before backup: not enabled
Action after backup: not enabled
Comparison criteria: [Size, Date modified, Date created, Read-Only, Archived, Hidden, System]
Sounds: not enabled
Send emails to: [email protected]
Attach backup log file to email: Yes
Compress the log file: No
Use HTML format for emails: Yes
Backup messages:
On successful backup send:
On backup with warnings send:
On backup with errors send:
Test messages:
On successful test send:
On test with errors send:
Cleanup messages:
On successful cleanup send:
On cleanup with errors send:
Abort backup when source drives are not available: No

[1/16/2020 8:20:57 PM] Checking backup destination (External hard drive)
[1/16/2020 8:20:57 PM] Opening file "E:\File Backup.bkc"
[1/16/2020 8:21:03 PM] Checking if the drives of the sources exist
[1/16/2020 8:21:10 PM] Creating the list of files to backup
[1/16/2020 8:21:10 PM] Opening file ":memory:"
[1/16/2020 8:28:46 PM] Folders found to backup: 24
[1/16/2020 8:28:46 PM] Files found to backup: 323 (6.32 GB)

[1/16/2020 8:28:47 PM] Preparing shadow copy
[1/16/2020 8:28:48 PM] Shadow copy created for drives D:

[1/16/2020 8:28:48 PM] Archiving files to

[1/16/2020 8:47:18 PM] Saving backup catalog "E:\File Backup.bkc"
[1/16/2020 8:47:29 PM] Opening file "E:\File Backup.bkc"

[1/16/2020 8:47:29 PM] Starting test on "File Backup" for backup number 4, the last backup number at 1/16/2020 8:47:29 PM
[1/16/2020 8:47:29 PM] 4 Incremental 1/16/2020 8:20:57 PM 323 6.32 GB
[1/16/2020 8:47:29 PM] Testing content of zip E:\File Backup\
[1/16/2020 8:49:46 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
[1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM] Warning: SQL error - SQLite_Step, disk I/O error (266) (SQL2)
Test finished in 2:18 minute(s) at 1/16/2020 8:49:47 PM, 280 file(s) and 24 folder(s) tested, 0 error(s) and 43 warning(s) found
Total number of files added to backup: 323
Total number of folders added to backup: 24
Total size of files added to backup: 6.32 GB (uncompressed), 4.58 GB (compressed)
Number of files excluded: 60
Number of folders excluded: 10
Next scheduled backup: 1/17/2020 5:18:03 PM
Backup completed in 30:03 minute(s) at 1/16/2020 8:49:48 PM with 0 error(s), 43 warning(s)
[1/16/2020 8:49:48 PM] Sending mail to "[email protected]"
[1/16/2020 8:50:17 PM] Error: SQL error "m_hStmtSelFoldersDict" - SQLite_Finalize, disk I/O error (266) (SQL04)
[1/16/2020 8:50:27 PM] Ipc warning: Unregister failed : Timeout waiting for a reply to imtUnregister 0

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1944
Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:46 pm

Re: Premature end of file reached.

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


1. The "Ipc warning" is about the bservice.exe process of Backup4all. Please make sure that file (located in the Backup4all installation folder) is not blocked by the antivirus/firewall. Put it in the exceptions list and try again.
If you still have the problem, please make sure the Backup4all Service, from Control Panel->Services, is started and it's working properly.

2. For the "Premature end of file reached" problem, please run a scan drive for errors on E: destination drive.
Then open Backup Properties->Compression.
Select the "Always use temporary folder to create zip files" and press Save.
Run again the backup and let us know if you still have the problem.

Posts: 6
Joined: Fri Jan 17, 2020 8:29 pm

Re: Premature end of file reached.

Post by chriss »


Thanks for the recommendations. The E: drive is showing no errors when I run a chkdsk.
Attempting to repair the catalog as I did just receive a error prompt today that said Catalog is corrupted.
Will check back and finish recommendations after.

Thanks again.

Posts: 6
Joined: Fri Jan 17, 2020 8:29 pm

Re: Premature end of file reached.

Post by chriss »

The other day I had ran a repair on the catalog, but again today I'm receiving the same error when I log in that the Catalog is corrupted. So running the repair didn't seem to matter.

Receiving same errors as in above log unfortunately.
I had turned off and uninstalled the anti virus in case it was causing any issues as well.
Backup4all service is showing on and running.
Checkdsk shows no errors on the E: drive.
I also have it selected for Normal compression and to always use temp folder to create zip files.

I have a question, this backup swaps external hard drives for drive E: every Friday, should that make a difference?

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1944
Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:46 pm

Re: Premature end of file reached.

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Please send us the .bkc catalog file which appears to be corrupted, from the backup destination drive.
Put it into a zip archive and send it to: support[at]backup4all[dot]com

Posts: 6
Joined: Fri Jan 17, 2020 8:29 pm

Re: Premature end of file reached.

Post by chriss »

I did that and received the backup catalog file.
I was still having issues with the backup so I just deleted it all and made a new backup using Smart Backup.
It's been working 70% of the time but I still get a failure with an 'error' and the premature end of file reached warning in the logs and I'm not even sure what hte error is, when I do a search for 'error' nothing turns up that I can see.

I've attached the log that stops with an error. Any assistance would be appreciated!
(3.08 KiB) Downloaded 742 times

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1944
Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:46 pm

Re: Premature end of file reached.

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Please open Backup Properties->Compression page.
Select "Always use temporary folder to create zip files" option.
Set a split size of 2 GB and select the "Create independent splits" option.
Press Save and run again the backup.

Let us know if you still have the problem.

Posts: 6
Joined: Fri Jan 17, 2020 8:29 pm

Re: Premature end of file reached.

Post by chriss »

Hello! Thank you for the reply.
I have implemented those changes and this is the result the next day. Attached logfile.
I still see the "Warning: Premature end of file reached"

It also mentions an Error at the end of the backup and test but when I scroll up I don't see any errors and only Warnings.

[3/18/2020 5:30:38 PM] Backup4all 8.5.264
[3/18/2020 5:30:38 PM] C:\Program Files (x86)\Softland\Backup4all 8\bBackup.exe /R {2E20A1AF-4CE8-4C11-9D6D-BBDDE46FE8A0} -PRIORITY 2
[3/18/2020 5:30:38 PM] Search for "Warning: " and "Error: " to locate warnings and errors in this log file
[3/18/2020 5:30:38 PM] Operating system: Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Standard (Build 9600)
Processor[0] : Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU D2701 @ 2.13GHz
Processor[1] : Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU D2701 @ 2.13GHz
Processor[2] : Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU D2701 @ 2.13GHz
Processor[3] : Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU D2701 @ 2.13GHz
Physical memory (free/total) : 1391 MB/4082 MB
User : BUFFALO-NAS\tspec
Admin/BkPriv/RePriv : True/True/True
IsWOW64 : True
Locale : English (United States)
Installed antiviruses:
No antivirus detected

[3/18/2020 5:30:38 PM] Opening file "C:\Users\tspec\AppData\Roaming\Softland\Backup4all 8\Backup4all.hst"
[3/18/2020 5:30:39 PM] Starting backup for "New Backup" at 3/18/2020 5:30:39 PM
[3/18/2020 5:30:39 PM] Backup Summary:
Name: New Backup
Ini file: C:\Users\tspec\AppData\Roaming\Softland\Backup4all 8\Jobs\{2E20A1AF-4CE8-4C11-9D6D-BBDDE46FE8A0}.ini
Destination type: External hard drive
Drive: E:
Folder: E:\
Catalog: E:\New Backup.bkc
Lock the destination to this external hard drive: No
Enable disk spanning: No
[Local hard drive]
Include filter:
Include all files.
Exclude filter:
Bash on Ubuntu on Windows
( Folder name = '?:\Users\*\AppData\Local\lxss\*')
Hiberfil on System Drive - use as exclude
( File name = 'hiberfil.sys'
AND Folder name = '?:\')
Internet Explorer Cache Files - use as exclude
( Folder name = '?:\Documents and Settings\*\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files|?:\Users\*\AppData?\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files')
Office temporary files
( File name = '~$*.docx|~$*.dotx|~$*.xlsx|~$*.xltx|~$*.ppsx|~$*.pptx|~$*.potx|~$*.sldx|~$*.doc|~$*.dot|~$*.xls|~$*.xlt|~$*.pps|~$*.ppt|~$*.pot|~$*.sld')
Pagefile on System Drive - use as exclude
( File name = 'pagefile.sys'
AND Folder name = '?:\')
Temporary Files - use as exclude
( File name = '*.tmp|*.temp|*.bkc-journal')
Windows Recycle Bin Files - use as exclude
( Folder name = '?:\Recycler|?:\Recycled|?:\$Recycle.Bin')
Windows system files
( Folder name = '%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys|%ProgramData%\Microsoft\RAC\StateData|%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows|%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Search|%SystemRoot%\Resources\Themes|%SystemRoot%\SoftwareDistribution\DataStore|%SystemRoot%\System32\LogFiles|%LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages|%SystemRoot%\CSC\|%SystemRoot%\SoftwareDistribution\Download|%SystemRoot%\System32\catroot2|%SystemRoot%\winsxs\Temp')
Windows System Restore Files - use as exclude
( Folder name = '?:\System Volume Information')
Windows Temporary Folders - use as exclude
( Folder name = '?:\Windows\Temp|?:\WINNT\Temp|?:\Documents and Settings\*\Local Settings\Temp|?:\Users\*\AppData?\Local\Temp')
Windows.old - folder
( Folder name = '*\Windows.old\*')
Backup type:
Type: Smart
Use block backup: No
Clear archive bit: No
Zip name prefix: none
Limit backup size to 100 % of destination size
Compression level: medium
Do not compress files of type: *.zip|*.rar|*.mp3|*.avi|*.7z|*.gif|*.png|*.jpeg|*.jpg|*.mpg|*.gz|*.gzip|*.mov|*.swf
Always use temporary folder to create zip files: No
Use alternate zipping mode: No
Password: no password
Zip split size: Automatic
Create independent splits: No
Advanced settings:
Use local catalog: No
Compress catalog in destination: No
Test after backup: Yes
Quick test: No
Delete sources after successful backup: No
Remove files with errors from catalog: Yes
Verify backup before execution No
Ask for backup label before execution: No
Backup open files: Yes
Store temporary catalog data in memory: Yes
Smart file scanning mode: Yes
Only if the previous backup ran in the last 0 day 0 hours
Backup execution priority: Normal priority
Action before backup: not enabled
Action after backup: not enabled
Comparison criteria: [Size, Date modified, Date created, Read-Only, Archived, Hidden, System]
Sounds: not enabled
Send emails to: [email protected]
Attach backup log file to email: No
Use HTML format for emails: Yes
Backup messages:
On successful backup send:
On backup with warnings send:
On backup with errors send:
Test messages:
On successful test send:
On test with errors send:
Cleanup messages:
On successful cleanup send:
On cleanup with errors send:
Abort backup when source drives are not available: No

[3/18/2020 5:30:39 PM] Checking backup destination (External hard drive)
[3/18/2020 5:30:39 PM] Opening file "E:\New Backup.bkc"
[3/18/2020 5:30:46 PM] Checking if the drives of the sources exist
[3/18/2020 5:30:53 PM] Creating the list of files to backup
[3/18/2020 5:30:53 PM] Opening file ":memory:"
[3/18/2020 5:44:51 PM] Calculate backup type to execute
[3/18/2020 5:44:51 PM] Free space available for backup is: 1621872753563[SSA1]
[3/18/2020 5:44:51 PM] Backups=1,btFull,278906340720,242582321669;2,btIncremental,3146323640,2169211017;3,btIncremental,7346941750,5231589407;4,btIncremental,8405014454,6025276860;5,btIncremental,9376647903,7092609228;6,btIncremental,7830183243,5409704906;7,btIncremental,15491479700,12081452765;8,btIncremental,3557065172,2252608039;9,btIncremental,3529630565,2235397893;10,btIncremental,6947059193,5060022027;11,btIncremental,7476659583,5070896911;12,btIncremental,7394260140,4941294424;13,btIncremental,8170949217,5566811048;14,btDifferential,16681711676,12772399588;15,btIncremental,4026049125,2597547048;16,btIncremental,7850469700,5281972647;17,btDifferential,18340942782,13837576338;18,btIncremental,10342193785,7064142154;19,btDifferential,19733723430,15126116198;20,btIncremental,9600759167,6610904874;21,btIncremental,12734929271,9361135652
[3/18/2020 5:44:51 PM] Backup type to run is: Differential
[3/18/2020 5:44:51 PM] Add versions in catalog for Differential
[3/18/2020 5:44:54 PM] Folders found to backup: 1,059
[3/18/2020 5:44:54 PM] Files found to backup: 12,854 (22.91 GB)

[3/18/2020 5:44:55 PM] Preparing shadow copy
[3/18/2020 5:44:56 PM] Shadow copy created for drives D:

[3/18/2020 5:44:56 PM] Archiving files to
[3/18/2020 6:23:35 PM] Warning: Skipping file D:\Shares\Projects\Unistress Standards\UNI Engineering and Drafting Manual\11-0 Standard Material\A_ Standard Plates\01_100 Series\P107S_R2.dwl
The system cannot find the file specified
[3/18/2020 6:23:35 PM] Warning: Skipping file D:\Shares\Projects\Unistress Standards\UNI Engineering and Drafting Manual\11-0 Standard Material\A_ Standard Plates\01_100 Series\P107S_R2.dwl2
The system cannot find the file specified
[3/18/2020 6:23:56 PM] Warning: Skipping file D:\Shares\Projects\Unistress Standards\UNI Engineering and Drafting Manual\12-0 Standard Details and Blank Border Templates\A_ Section and Detail Templates\005_R0 DT to SP NLB.dwl
The system cannot find the file specified
[3/18/2020 6:23:56 PM] Warning: Skipping file D:\Shares\Projects\Unistress Standards\UNI Engineering and Drafting Manual\12-0 Standard Details and Blank Border Templates\A_ Section and Detail Templates\005_R0 DT to SP NLB.dwl2
The system cannot find the file specified
[3/18/2020 6:23:56 PM] Warning: Skipping file D:\Shares\Projects\Unistress Standards\UNI Engineering and Drafting Manual\12-0 Standard Details and Blank Border Templates\A_ Section and Detail Templates\006_R0 DT to SP NLB connex.dwl
The system cannot find the file specified
[3/18/2020 6:23:56 PM] Warning: Skipping file D:\Shares\Projects\Unistress Standards\UNI Engineering and Drafting Manual\12-0 Standard Details and Blank Border Templates\A_ Section and Detail Templates\006_R0 DT to SP NLB connex.dwl2
The system cannot find the file specified
[3/18/2020 6:25:26 PM] Warning: Skipping file D:\Shares\Projects\20292_7 Hawley Street PG\Received\200303_Design development\51440 development 2-25-20.dwl
The system cannot find the file specified
[3/18/2020 6:25:26 PM] Warning: Skipping file D:\Shares\Projects\20292_7 Hawley Street PG\Received\200303_Design development\51440 development 2-25-20.dwl2
The system cannot find the file specified
[3/18/2020 6:25:36 PM] Warning: Skipping file D:\Shares\Projects\20292_7 Hawley Street PG\Framing\51440-Framing plans.dwl
The system cannot find the file specified
[3/18/2020 6:25:36 PM] Warning: Skipping file D:\Shares\Projects\20292_7 Hawley Street PG\Framing\51440-Framing plans.dwl2
The system cannot find the file specified

[3/18/2020 7:00:48 PM] Saving backup catalog "E:\New Backup.bkc"
[3/18/2020 7:01:07 PM] Opening file "E:\New Backup.bkc"

[3/18/2020 7:01:07 PM] Starting test on "New Backup" for backup number 22, the last backup number at 3/18/2020 7:01:07 PM
[3/18/2020 7:01:07 PM] 22 Differential 3/18/2020 5:30:39 PM 12844 22.15 GB
[3/18/2020 7:01:11 PM] Testing content of zip E:\New Backup\
[3/18/2020 7:02:11 PM] Warning: Premature end of file reached
Test aborted after 1:04 minute(s) at 3/18/2020 7:02:11 PM, 327 file(s) and 233 folder(s) tested, 0 error(s) and 1 warning(s) found
Total number of files added to backup: 12844
Total number of folders added to backup: 1059
Total size of files added to backup: 22.15 GB (uncompressed), 17.94 GB (compressed)
Number of files excluded: 19
Number of folders excluded: 0
Files skipped: 10
Next scheduled backup: 3/19/2020 5:30:19 PM
Backup aborted after 1:31:34 hour(s) at 3/18/2020 7:02:11 PM with 1 error(s), 10 warning(s)
[3/18/2020 7:02:11 PM] Sending mail to "[email protected]"

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1944
Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:46 pm

Re: Premature end of file reached.

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


We will correct the log report regarding no. of errors.

As for the warning you get: do you have the same problem if you run an independent Test by pressing the Test (F9) button?
Did you test your RAM memory and the C: hdd for errors?

Post Reply