Mirror backup to swapable hard disks

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Mirror backup to swapable hard disks

Post by westvleteren »

I have two harddisks (which I swap at location f:) to store my mirror backup. In week 1 I ran 5 mirrobackups to hardisk 1. In week 2 I ran the mirrobackup again (on an empty hardisk 2) and the backup job was done very quick and only a small part of the source files where on the harddisk 2. It looks like there is some intelligence that keeps track of the situation of hard disk 1 and assumes the hardisk 1 is there (but I swapped to hard disk 2!)
Can I make ONE mirror backup job that mirrors to F: and will ensure a real mirror backup eacht time I run the back up and no matter which hard disk I have plugged in in F:?

Adrian (Softland)
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Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:46 pm

Re: Mirror backup to swapable hard disks

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


In Backup Properties->Advanced, uncheck the "Use local catalogs" option.

Read this article about how the rotation scheme works: http://www.backup4all.com/kb/how-to-bac ... e-259.html

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