Files and Folders Skipped

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Files and Folders Skipped

Post by wacole »

I have four backup jobs all of which failed for the same reason: "All the files and folders have been skipped. Nothing to backup."

All machines are Windows 7.

I run Backup4All, version 5.x, from a Windows7Pro x64 box.

I can successfully run a backup job which backups up files to the same machine that Backup4All is installed on. The backup jobs which failed are for network attached machines. All network connections test successfully; the logons and passwords are correct.

I've looked at the Network backup tutorial on the support page; it didn't help.

What I think I need is help on setting Windows permissions across network connections. I seem to have brain freeze when tackling this topic.

I was going to attached the logs for the 4 failed jobs, but the forum editor says "the extension log is not allowed."

Thanks very much ... Bill Cole

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1941
Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:46 pm

Re: Files and Folders Skipped

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Please try to run Backup4all using the "Run as administrator" option. Do you have the same problem?

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