database disk image is malformed

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database disk image is malformed

Post by martinco »


I have done backup one job (about 1,8 TB, 800.000 files) for about half year. 1 week ago I couldn't do backup because of:

2018-07-20 17:34:10] Checking backup destination (Local hard drive)
[2018-07-20 17:34:10] Opening file "C:\Users\Marcin\AppData\Roaming\Softland\Backup4all 7\Catalogs\!Backup-Dysku D(4).bkc"
Backup aborted. Reason:
SQL error "PRAGMA INTEGRITY_CHECK;" - database disk image is malformed (11), database disk image is malformed (11) (CAT01)
Next scheduled backup: 2018-07-20 15:00:00
Backup aborted after 4 second(s) at 2018-07-20 17:34:13 with 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
[2018-07-20 17:34:13] Error: SQL error "PRAGMA INTEGRITY_CHECK;" - database disk image is malformed (11), database disk image is malformed (11) (CAT01)

OK, I delete this job, and do new. The backup has done (with restart of computer - BSOD at the end). And.... I have the same problem...: database disk image is malformed.

I checked disk - destination and source - I have errors (fixed)

Is the database so sensitive to damage?

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1953
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Re: database disk image is malformed

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


If the catalog is written in a faulty area of the hard disk, the file could be damaged. Please create a new backup job after you fixed the hard disk errors. Do you still have the problem?

Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Jul 26, 2018 4:07 pm

Re: database disk image is malformed

Post by martinco »


If the catalog is written in a faulty area of the hard disk, the file could be damaged. Please create a new backup job after you fixed the hard disk errors. Do you still have the problem?[/quote]

Yes, I have done it twice... And third time....
yes... I check disk "chkdsk -f".... There were problems and fixed it....

It is terrible - backup is doing two days, and after... database is damage....

As I think file *.bkc is corrupt... I'm doing backup on drive G:, and have file !Backup-Dysku D.bkc here. But.... in:"C:\Users\Marcin\AppData\Roaming\Softland\Backup4all 7\Catalogs\ I have !Backup-Dysku D.bkc too.... which one is this proper?

In logs I see that this on drive C is proper:
[2018-07-31 11:00:42] Checking backup destination (Local hard drive)
[2018-07-31 11:00:42] Opening file "C:\Users\Marcin\AppData\Roaming\Softland\Backup4all 7\Catalogs\!Backup-Dysku D.bkc"
Backup aborted. Reason:
SQL error "PRAGMA INTEGRITY_CHECK;" - database disk image is malformed (11), database disk image is malformed (11) (CAT01)
Next scheduled backup: 2018-07-31 15:00:00

Maby this file on drive C: is damaged? It is SSD drive...

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1953
Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:46 pm

Re: database disk image is malformed

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


The catalog from C drive is used first. You said that errors were found on the C: drive and they appear again. The hard disk could be problematic.
You can change the location of the Backup4all settings folder.
Go to File->Options->Application folders. Override the settings folder. Set it to another hard drive.
Let us know if you still have the problem.

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