Customizing backup file names

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Customizing backup file names

Post by Hikari »

Hello, one more question. How can I customize file names?

As default, it prefixes zip files with a sequential number and an underscore, then adds some description, or the letter C.

Instead of the sequential number I want the date and time of the backup. In case of a plugin adding a description I'm ok with that it defines, while in the case of a simple backup I'd like to use some meaningful name in place of C.

How can I do that?

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1946
Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:46 pm

Re: Customizing backup file names

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


The first sequential number is the backup execution number for that job and that cannot be removed from the file name. Also the drive letter has to remain in the file name.

You can customize the file name from Backup Properties->Type page, under “Customize prefix of backup files” section.

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