Clean Mirror Backup

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Clean Mirror Backup

Post by fredv6 »


i'm using Backup4all 4.5 and i'm mostly using Mirror Backup with fast mirror and the option not to delete deleted files.
The problem is sometimes i want to clean all files and get a fresh version of the mirror backup without all the files that were deleted from source but not from backup.. is it possible to do that without unchecking Fast Mirror to refresh everything ? i would just like to have access to the Clean option just like with other types and clean the destination files (and i presume the .bkc) before relaunching a fast mirror

Thanks to tell me if it's possible to do that

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1946
Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:46 pm

Re: Clean Mirror Backup

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Just want to be sure I correctly understand what you want to do.
You want from time to time to "synchronize" the source files with the files in destination by just removing the deleted files from destination, without backing up all stuff again.
Is that correct?

If yes, please go to Backup Properties->Mirror page. Check the "Remove excluded and deleted files from backup" option.
Press Save and run the backup.
After the backup is finished, you can uncheck that option as it was before.
Do you know you can monitor your backups remotely with Backup4all Monitor? You can read more here:


Re: Clean Mirror Backup

Post by fredv6 »

Oh yes that's what i wanted to do .. just wanted to know if i could do it without checking and unchecking that (maybe by a specific action)

Thanks i'll do that

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