Backup4all does random full backups!

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Backup4all does random full backups!

Post by becker2168 »

I'm currently running Win 7 64 bit and Backup4All 4.8. I have the program set to do a daily Incremental backup to an external USB drive. Naturally, the very first backup is a FULL backup. After the initial backup, the incremental backups begin. It seems fine for several days, then all of a sudden the program does a FULL backup. I checked all the settings...all settings seem to be fine...I have NO cleanup areas checked and have NO settings marked for full backup anywhere. I made sure Local Catalogs are checked and I also double checked the location of the backup catalogs.

Why does the program do random FULL backups. It would be fine if monthly a random backup was made but just last week it did a full backup after only 3 incremental backups and this week it just completed a full backup after only 8 incremental backups.

Is there some hidden feature that needs to be turned off to eliminate this issue.


Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1953
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Re: Backup4all does random full backups!

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Please send me the following files to support[at]backup4all[dot]com
- the last backup log from View->Job Logs->Last backup log.
- the .bkc catalog file from the backup destination.
Put both files into a zip archive.

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Joined: Sun Feb 03, 2013 2:11 pm

Re: Backup4all does random full backups!

Post by becker2168 »

Information was sent to you yesterday afternoon.

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1953
Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:46 pm

Re: Backup4all does random full backups!

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


The problem was that the network source drive reported a different modified time for each file. That is why Backup4all detected all files as modified and backed them up again.

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