Backup Pauses waiting for response

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Backup Pauses waiting for response

Post by precfin »

Hi All,

I am doing a full backup - no compression. I usually do this when I leave my office at night so it is complete by the next day. However, occasionally, it will pause with a message stating that a file is being used by another process, do you want skip this file? So when I get into the office the next day, the backup has not completed because it is waiting for my response.

Is there a way to stop these messages from appearing so my backup will continue without my intervention?

Thanks in advance.

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1952
Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:46 pm

Re: Backup Pauses waiting for response

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


If you run the backup scheduled, no warning messages are shown.
You can still avoid such messages when you manually run the backup if you go to Tools->Options->Backup and uncheck the "Show file warnings" option.
Do you know you can monitor your backups remotely with Backup4all Monitor? You can read more here:

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