Backup History Files Incorrect

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Posts: 9
Joined: Mon Nov 14, 2016 6:23 pm

Backup History Files Incorrect

Post by tiffy »

Have used FBackup free for some time, currently evaluating Backup4all V.6.2 with view to upgrading shortly.
Have set up a number of test backup's manually and using plugin's storing the backup's to my NAS drive, exactly the same procedure I adopted with FBackup.

Using the "Smart" backup function I find that the backup file history as displayed in the details pane is correct for the initial full backup file but always incorrect for any subsequent, incremental files which are dated "30/121899" and display the following information when detailed, "Made with previous version of Backup4all. There is no test information in the catalogue in this backup".
I obviously have not used a previous version of the program for the later backups.
Checking the "history" tab gives the correct information for all backups ?
The *.bkc catalogue files are present both in the C:\drive users area and the backup location on the NAS drive as would be expected.

Any suggestions, solutions appreciated.


Posts: 9
Joined: Mon Nov 14, 2016 6:23 pm

Re: Backup History Files Incorrect

Post by tiffy »

Obviously no takers on this issue, support included !
To be fair, I did directly e-mail support and received a fairly prompt reply.

Was advised to rename (to anything) the "backup4all.hst" file to attempt a cure for the reported issue and re-start the program.
This turned out not to be a good idea, the program advised that my 30 day trial period had expired (only been in use for 5 days) and would not permit opening of the program.
Re-named the "backup4all.hst" file back to original and deleted the new ".hst" file which the program had created.
On attempted re-start, was still advised that my trial period had expired, obviously, the file is protected !

Re-contacted support who e-maile'd me a new, 30 day trial license key.
Before this arrived, I had fully deleted the program and down loaded a new trial version.
So, now back into the program again although I had lost all my test backup's, my own fault, should have waited for the replacement license key.

However, now found that the originally reported fault had disappeared, probably would not have been the case if I had not completely re-installed and just used the replacement license key !
Everything has been working OK since, no further issues experienced to date.
Definately like the additional features with the program as opposed to the free FBackup version, will purchase a license before the trial period expires if all goes well for another few days.

Hopefully this information will be of use to other program users should anyone experience a similar issue.

Regards to all,


Posts: 9
Joined: Mon Nov 14, 2016 6:23 pm

Re: Backup History Files Incorrect

Post by tiffy »

Just to finally add to this topic:
I have been very happy with the program since re-loading, the issue as originally reported has not returned.
In particular, the "smart backup" features in the pro. program are very good and considerably cut down the backup times by comparison to the free, FBackup version, also the "cleanup" facility where the previous full and incremental backups can be purged after a new, full backup is run.
Have now purchased a license and become a proper, registered user.
