B4ACMD.exe locking backup file and preventing backups

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Re: B4ACMD.exe locking backup file and preventing backups

Post by iit »


Our backups are now failing again and we need help in understanding why. The last failure says "Job already running". I tried attaching a screenshot but received an error (Could not upload attachment to ./files/4598_37f2d0384985b8afe53636a8ab609f9c).

The results and status are as follows:
In B4A's window, Last Backup Status = "Last backup was successful (no files were added)
When hovering on the job it says "Last backup was aborted"
In Job History last status = Error, backup type = Full
In Task Scheduler, all jobs' status = Ready
In Task Manager, b4acmd.exe is running with 9:49:41 CPU Time (close to the time the job before last completed successfully)

Can anyone please explain what is going on and if there's anything we're doing incorrectly?
Also, why is it trying to do a full backup again?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Adrian (Softland)
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Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:46 pm

Re: B4ACMD.exe locking backup file and preventing backups

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


The user had multiple schedulers configured to run both in command line and normal interface in the same time, they are two different applications but use the same catalog. Those schedulers should not be alternate every 2 hours when the backup takes 3 hours.

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