wishlist: backup to non-zipped directory

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wishlist: backup to non-zipped directory

Post by duaneg »

Cobin backup creates a non zipped directory of the files backed up.
It would be great to have the same thing.
This would make it easy to switch from Cobin without losing any features.

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: wishlist: backup to non-zipped directory

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


In Backup4all you can use the Mirror backup type.
That will create in destination an exact copy of the source files, without zipping them.

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Re: wishlist: backup to non-zipped directory

Post by karelt »

nothing personal, but this makes no sense.
The user gets to compression settings and sees no way to change them to "no compression". How on Earth is the user supposed to guess that Mirror type will give him/her that?
Also how do you get the "no compression" functionality for incremental backup?

"Backup to non-zipped directory" is a totally valid feature request and I second it.
The only place where this setting should be found is next to compression settings.


Adrian (Softland)
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Re: wishlist: backup to non-zipped directory

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


The "Mirror" backup type is widely used and it is a general name for uncompressed backups. Changing its name will confuse other users.

As for the other backup types (Full, Differential or Incremental), you can select "Zip without compression" from Backup Properties->Compression page.

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Re: wishlist: backup to non-zipped directory

Post by duaneg »

Backing up to a non-compressed zip makes it very slow to browse a big backup.
I have broken my backup into multiple pieces if order to try to make the backup ZIP smaller, but it is still very slow to browse the zip.

Can I do a differential uncompressed ZIP backup to a mirror backup?
Can I do a differential mirror backup to a mirror backup?

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: wishlist: backup to non-zipped directory

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


After the fist complete Mirror backup, only new and modified files will be backed up. It is like an incremental for Mirror.
However, the Full, Differential and Incremental backup types of Backup4all cannot be combined with the Mirror type.

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Re: wishlist: backup to non-zipped directory

Post by duaneg »

In the documentation is says:
Fast mirror (copy only new or modified files)

Use this option to make mirror backups even faster. When this option is set, Backup4all uses the information stored in ".bkc" files to copy only new or modified files to the destination. If this option is not set, the system will copy all files each time the backup is executed. By default this option is checked.

Based on your response am I correct is assuming that these are the "new or modified files" since the last Fast mirror or full mirror?

The request would them be to add an option to backup the "new or modified files" since only the last full mirror. That would seem like a pretty simple request.

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1956
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Re: wishlist: backup to non-zipped directory

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


The files new and modified since the last mirror backup execution.
As the files are copied over the existing files updating the backup with new and modified files, it would be a waste of time to re-copy every time files which were not modified since a long time, as they already exists in backup and they are unchanged.

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