Program windows sizes

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Program windows sizes

Post by Blower »

I use Windows 7 with a screen resolution of 1024 x 768 and medium size text (both as per settings).These are definitely normal settings.

However, the size of ALL the program windows are monstrously large, abnormal, larger than the monitor screen and like no other program I have or have ever seen. Full of empty blank spaces. They are not adjustable, not possible to reduce them. This is completely crazy and mostly regrettable and bothering when we are working on more programs simultaneously and need to navigate between windows. Strangely, when I start the program it opens behind the other windows...

This is really a shame for such a good program, and it is not understandable why it is this way when it is not that difficult to have normal resizeable windows like any normal program.

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Re: Program windows sizes

Post by Blower »

This is not better.

This program does not really resume any backup. We can suspend the backup only for as long as we do not close the program or the computer. This is not a true resume and just as it is, it is absolutely useless. What do we need to pause and resume a backup for if it does nor bother anyone while it runs? When we want to suspend a backup it can be only to resume it on an other time, and that is not possible with this fake resume. For a large FTP backup, very long, we have to leave the computer on for several days and nights. If it did resume the backups could be done while we work on the computer, and not like this. Again, it does not resume if we stop the program or close down the computer.

Am I missing something? Any solution, please?

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Program windows sizes

Post by Adrian (Softland) »

First problem:
Do you use large fonts or other custom settings? We don't have such problems here.
Please send us a screenshot with Backup4all to see how it looks.

Second problem:
The pause/resume function is available as long as the program is not closed. It is the same for games, music players and so on. You should not use the pause function if you plan to close the application. Backup4all does not simply close the backup if paused, but a message is displayed letting you know you have a backup in progress.

If you want to turn off the computer and continue the backup next time, you should use the "Stop" button. When you press Stop, the current file is processed and the catalog is closed. The remaining files will be backed up next time. This is the feature you need to use.
Do you know you can monitor your backups remotely with Backup4all Monitor? You can read more here:

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Re: Program windows sizes

Post by Blower »

Thank you for the answer.

First problem:
I don't use a large fonts setting, I use Windows 7 with a screen resolution of 1024 x 768 and medium size text (I just clicked on these two Windows settings definitions).These are definitely normal settings. A screen shot wouldn't show because it would be reproduced as is, but not showing that I have tried to reduce it. Nevertheless, this is the only program displaying this way. I tried uninstall it and reinstalling with a registry cleaning and a reboot in between. It did not solve the problem, but we know that sometimes some files and registry entries stay in the computer.

Second problem:
The pause/resume function is available as long as the program is not closed.
This is precisely the problem because when we apload a large backup (and as programs, files and everything else steadly keep growing in computers) we can't pause, close the program, close the computer and resume the next day or at another time as we can do with very simple programs like Filezilla. With Backup4all we have to restart the backup from the beginning because it does not simply resume and doesn't care about what it has already uploaded.
If you want to turn off the computer and continue the backup next time, you should use the "Stop" button. When you press Stop, the current file is processed and the catalog is closed. The remaining files will be backed up next time. This is the feature you need to use.
Do you mean we can stop and resume later, the way I just described above, as I need to? Have I missed something, please?

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Program windows sizes

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


Let me explain much clear.
You should use the Pause/Resume buttons only if you plan to continue the backup after few minutes/hours, without closing the application.

If you want to close the application and the computer (as in your case), you need to press the Stop button. That will process the current file and stop the backup right after that. The files already backed up will not be backed up again next time you run the backup.
When you start the backup next time, only the remaining files will be backed up.
With other words, the application will continue to back up the remaining files.
Do you know you can monitor your backups remotely with Backup4all Monitor? You can read more here:

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Re: Program windows sizes

Post by Blower »

Thanks for answering.

I was desperate with the results and uninstalled the program. At this time I don’t have the time, but I will reinstall it as soon as I can and follow your instructions, which are not exactly as I did and wrote in my previous post. Then, I’ll be back to state the new results.

Thank you very much again.

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Re: Program windows sizes

Post by Blower »

Sorry for the delayed answer, even if expected.

It took me many hours across the weekend trying to follow your instructions. Here are the results.

I compressed the large files with 7Zip and divided them in 20MB (20480000 bytes) sets using the highest solid compression. I wanted to upload the files just as they were, that is without using the Backup4all compression, but this is not easy to configure. Anyway, this was just a trial. The settings are not all where we would expect them to be. For one, the resume setting should not be with the remote locations, but the backup type and be general.

On “Edit configuration from the Destination->FTP server window” (title on the help file) there is a setting to “Resume uploads/downloads (if available)” depending on the server, and this is possible with my server. However, that setting is not available on “Edit configuration from the Destination->SFTP server window.” I used the setting at “Options > SFTP > Configuration > Define SFTP configuration > Compression > Compressions > None” (case).

I used the STTP for a full backup, and watched what was going on on the server with Filezilla. After uploading three files, on the fourth I tried to do as you told me. The first instruction was to press the Stop button. I couldn’t do it because the button was greyed and the corresponding function on the context menu was also greyed. I could only possibility the Pause or Cancel, which of course can’t be used for a later resume as you said. I had to press the Cancel button. After restarting, it overwrote the previous uploaded files.

Then I tried The Mirror option keeping all other settings. The stop button was now available, no longer greyed, and I could do as you wrote, but when I resumed it started from the beginning, overwriting the already uploaded files.

I don’t know what else to do. I downloaded the PDF manual and tried to find. Am I missing something? Am I doing anything wrong? If so, what? To upload files this I can use Filezilla, which has a resume function, is very easy to use and I have known it for ages. But I do need a program that I can configure for scheduling several regular uploads and forget. Exactly what Backup4all is supposed to do.

Edit: After this new installation, the size of the windows has not changed from what I described above.

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Program windows sizes

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


The resume option under FTP configuration applies to temporary server disconnect. If the server connection was interrupted and the server supports resume, Backup4all will retry uploading that file as many times as it is set and the backup will continue.

If you use FTP as destination, one more step is necessarily.
Please open Backup Properties->Advanced and uncheck the "Use local catalogs" option.
Press Save and run again the backup.

Do you still have the problem?
Do you know you can monitor your backups remotely with Backup4all Monitor? You can read more here:

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Re: Program windows sizes

Post by Blower »


Thanks for replying.

I checked the settings I used for the backup as described on my last post, and noticed the setting you recommend was already there.

I have done all I could without success maybe only because the Stop button is greyed out. If you say I can resume interrupted SFTP backups after a reboot, then I must be doing some mistake that I can't understand. So I am attaching the screen shots of all settings pages, unless those that had nothing or are meaningless for you please to check, because if it works as you say there has to be something wrong there.

Thank you for your assistance.

Adrian (Softland)
Posts: 1953
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Re: Program windows sizes

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


The Stop button is grayed out as long as Backup4all creates the file list. When the backup starts, the button is available.
Also try to refresh (F5) the window.
Do you know you can monitor your backups remotely with Backup4all Monitor? You can read more here:

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