feature request: Filter for All/Selected Sources

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feature request: Filter for All/Selected Sources

Post by karelt »

IMO Backup4All needs a filter that will be applicable to All Sources or to Selected Sources.
Right now, a filter can be applied to each source folder. What if you need to apply a specific behavior to all 100 source folders in your backup? Right now, the only way to do that is manually one by one. Sorry, but this makes no sense :-(
I understand there will be an issue about how to display such filter in the list, considering you use small icons and overlay. Well, the filter overlay is red. So the filter applied to all sources might be the same overlay, but green and any filter applied to selected sources blue. When more are used, you cram them together into a column. That way both the folder icon and the overlay icon will be visible. There isn't enough space for three overlays in the column, so you make them appear as if they are a stack of cards, heck I can do this for you if you need it.
BTW right now you can speed up the process described above by creating application level filter that is applied as Use Existing filter (took me a while to figure this out, I question the app design here!), but still you need to apply it to each source folder manually.


Adrian (Softland)
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Re: feature request: Filter for All/Selected Sources

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


The general filters which will be applied to "all sources" should be created in Backup Properties->Filters.
The particular filters which will be application to only one folder, will be created in Backup Properties->Filters->Customize.

The customized filters will be created only to override the general filters.

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