Having trouble with Azure destination

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Posts: 8
Joined: Sun Jul 03, 2022 5:59 pm

Having trouble with Azure destination

Post by sunilmishra »

I'm backing up to Azure, and I find support for Azure isn't that great in Backup4All.

My backup logs have lots of failure messages:

[11/11/2022 8:11:51 AM] Connection lost. Retrying ...
[11/11/2022 8:11:56 AM] Connection lost. Retrying ...
[11/11/2022 8:11:58 AM] Connection lost. Retrying ...
[11/11/2022 8:13:11 AM] Connection lost. Retrying ...
[11/11/2022 8:13:12 AM] Connection lost. Retrying ...
[11/11/2022 8:13:13 AM] Connection lost. Retrying ...
[11/11/2022 8:13:15 AM] Connection lost. Retrying ...
[11/11/2022 8:13:15 AM] Connection lost. Retrying ...
[11/11/2022 8:13:16 AM] Connection lost. Retrying ...
[11/11/2022 8:13:17 AM] Connection lost. Retrying ...
[11/11/2022 8:13:18 AM] Connection lost. Retrying ...

My internet connection for upload isn't fantastic but it isn't that spotty either. I'm constantly connected to work via VPN so I know I'm not losing connection that frequently.

Also unlike the OneDrive and GoogleDrive destinations the Azure destination doesn't have bandwidth schedules and controls. For now I've set up a bandwidth constraint through windows, which appears to work but is far from ideal:

New-NetQosPolicy -Name BackupBandwidthLimiter -AppPathNameMatchCondition bBackup.exe -IPProtocolMatchCondition Both -NetworkProfile All -ThrottleRateActionBitsPerSecond 10000000

How can I improve my experience with upload to Azure?



Posts: 8
Joined: Sun Jul 03, 2022 5:59 pm

Re: Having trouble with Azure destination

Post by sunilmishra »

This is super frustrating. For a 2.74GB file, backup4all has tried four times to upload the file. It gets all the way to 2.7GB, then fails and starts the azure upload all over. I wonder if it is worth using backup4all for doing cloud sync or if I should have rclone synchronizing on a regular schedule?

Edit: Just looked at the file listing in the azure backup bucket. The file it's been trying to backup is already there. I hit the stop button on the backup job. It is still running, consuming bandwidth, a minute after I hit stop. Will try killing through the task manager and retrying.

Adrian (Softland)
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Re: Having trouble with Azure destination

Post by Adrian (Softland) »


I just sent you an email how to enable the debug log in order to have more information logged about the upload process (requests, server responses).
Please send us the new log file to support.
Do you know you can monitor your backups remotely with Backup4all Monitor? You can read more here: https://www.backup4all.com/backup4all-monitor.html

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